Sunday, December 29, 2019

Personal Statement And Core Values - 1861 Words

Personal Mission Statement and Core Values My personal mission is to constantly strive to be the best overall person that I can be within my personal and professional life. My goals are to inspire and help others and myself around me to achieve greatness and a balance that will maximize our potential that will transcend the boundaries of our dreams. In addition to my mission statement, my core life values are the foundation of my mission statement, which allows me to uphold my promises and standards. These promises and standards will afford me the opportunity to improve the life of others and myself for the better. Therefore, there are four particular core values that I live by each and every day. The four values are commitment, compassion, dedication, and optimism. The first core value, commitment, embodies the theme of loyalty and honor. I work hard each day to live up to the promises that I make to finish tasks, help others, and meet the expectations that I place on myself or by others. The second core value that I live by is compassion because I wholeheartedly believe in being kind to everyone and helping those in need. The third value that I live by is dedication. Along with the previous two values, dedication is an important factor because being dedicated to someone or something allows a person to display that personâ€⠄¢s character of being steadfast and passionate—even in the face of adversity. The fourth and final value that is a foundation for my personal mission isShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Core Value Essay1121 Words   |  5 PagesCore Value 1: †¢ Family – Family is important to me because in my family blood is thicker than water. We are very supportive of one another and we spend time with each other during the holidays and have family reunions every 2-4 years. 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