Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis Of `` No Matter What Their Genre `` Essay

People have always enjoyed graphic novels for as long as they have been around. They have been used to spread around an important message, politic viewpoints, explore new ideas in literature, and expose different styles of art to people around the world. There are many genres, graphic novels can fall into, but a large majority of them will always be fiction because then the authors can expand more into their stories than they can with non-fiction. â€Å"Today, images still have the power to elicit a variety of responses.† (Horowitz, pg. 8). This was something I noticed with graphic novels when they mention the usage of genders in the stories. Fictional graphic novels, no matter what their genre is, have unique ways of interpreting the theme of genders into their stories to get a message to the audience about them. However, I feel that one graphic novel I have discovered online, does one of the best jobs of incorporating an LGBTQA+ theme into its story while combining it with a unique setting, lovely character designs, and helping someone understand themselves. Rock and Riot is an online graphic novel that began in March, 2015 by queer New Zealand animation student, Chesley Furedi. One of the things that made Rock and Riot stand out to me from other online novels was how it took place in the 1950ies with its mixed cast of LGBT+ characters; a time frame where the community was not widely accepted as much as it is today. I think the time setting is important because it shows thatShow MoreRelatedThe Limitations Of Corpus Linguistics967 Words   |  4 Pagesevaluated objectively and entirely (Tognini Bonelli 2001: 57). No corpus can represent anything other than itself. Corpora built so far consist of a number of genres; this is considered a good measure of representativeness. 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