Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Quadratic Equation and Marks Free Essays

Tak Nga Secondary School 2010-2011 Mid-year Exam Form 4 Mathematics (Paper I) Time permitted: 1 hour 15 minutes Class:________ Name:__________________( ) Marks: ________/60 Instructions: 1. Compose your name, class and class number in the spaces gave on this spread. 2. We will compose a custom paper test on Quadratic Equation and Marks or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now This paper comprises of THREE areas, A(1), A(2) and B. Each area conveys 20 imprints. 3. Endeavor ALL inquiries in this paper. Compose your answers in the spaces gave. Beneficial answer sheets will be provided on demand. Compose your name and class number on each sheet. 4. Except if in any case determined, all working must be obviously appeared. . Except if in any case determined, numerical answers ought to either be precise or right to 3 noteworthy figures. 6. The graphs in this paper are not really attracted to scale. Page 1 of 9 Section A(1) (20 imprints) 3n ? 5m =4. 2 1. Make n the subject of the equation (3 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ 2. Compute (? 3 + 5i ) ? (2 + 7i ) . 4 + 8i (6 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________ Factorize (a) 2r 2 + 20r + 50 , (b) r 2 + 10r + 25 ? s 2 . (4 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ Page 2 of 9 3. 4. On the off chance that f ( x) = x 2 ? 1 and g ( x) = 3 x + 2 , discover the estimation of 2 f (0) + 3 g (1) . (3 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________ _____________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ 5. Illuminate the condition 1 2 x ? = 3 by the quadratic recipe. (Offer the response in surd structure. ) 2 (4 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ___________________________ _________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ Page 3 of 9 Section A(2) (20 imprints) 6. In the figure, the straight line going through An and B is opposite to the straight line going through An and C, where C is a point lying on the x-hub. (a) Find the condition of the straight line going through An and B. (2 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ______________________ ______________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ (b) Find the directions of C. 3 imprints) ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ _______________ _____________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Additional Aircraft Feasibility Study :: Essays Papers

Extra Aircraft Feasibility Study Introduction I have been the head avionics division supervisor of First North Bank since 1985. This bank has branches in Waterloo, IA; Springfield, MO; Fayetteville, AK; and Colorado Springs, CO. For as far back as 12 years the organization has been working an eight traveler King Air B-200 that as of now has 2500 flying hours on the edge. First North Bank has as of late procured Banks R Us (most likely due to the appalling name) and will grow their tasks significantly. They will be changing the name of Banks R Us to the First North Bank name at the accompanying areas: Madison, WI; Wilmington, NC; Lakeland, FL; Amarillo, TX; and Medford, OR. I have now been appointed by my CEO to do a practicality study to decide whether the expansion of an airplane will profit the organization. Presentation The motivation behind this investigation is to decide the possibility of adding extra airplane to the partnerships avionics office. This examination will present what airplane the organization is as of now utilizing, how it is being utilized, and the present structure of the aeronautics division. A definite investigation will be introduced on the costs and expenses of every airplane just as a suggestion of what airplane ought to be bought or rented. A recently evolved structure of the avionics division will be introduced alongside another suggested arrangement for the use of the airplane. The investigation will at that point close with a summarize of the considerable number of suggestions. Current Aircraft The organization is as of now working a 1985 Beechcraft King Air B-200. This airplane is a propeller stream airplane. The meaning of a propeller stream airplane is that the motor is a fly that drives a propeller. The propellers turn at a consistent rate and speed changes are made by modifying the point of the propeller. The airplane seats eight travelers to incorporate the pilot’s seat. The whole airplane is in generally excellent condition with just 2500 flight hours on it and has the capability of providing a lot more long stretches of difficulty free assistance with appropriate maintainace. The presentation charteristiccs of this airplane is as per the following: Beech King Air B200 Characteristics PERFORMANCE U.S. METRIC Max Cruise Speed (336 mph) 292 kt 541 kph Confirmed Ceiling 35,000 ft 10,668 m

The importance of employer branding

The significance of manager marking Terms of references This report features the rising mindfulness for the improvement of Employer Branding idea and its advantages for the associations in present serious work showcase. The contention between compelling boss marking and representatives rights and fulfillment toward association has been analyzed in this report with explicit spotlight on the unscrupulous and controlling impact. Presentation: Business marking is the impression of representatives about an association as a work environment. Its intended for spurring and protecting representatives arrangement with the vision and estimations of the associations. From the HR viewpoint the idea was subsumed the more seasoned term INTERNAL BRANDING that was basically the way toward imparting an associations brand an incentive to its worker. Boss marking The idea of EMPLOYER BRANDING was made during the 1990s by Simon Barrow, who established People in Business (presently part of TMP Worldwide) and was the co-creator of The Employer Brand. 1 before, Barrow had been a buyer merchandise brand director and headed up a publicizing organization in London, yet later turned into the CEO of an enrollment office. He was promptly struck by the similitudes between the difficulties looked in advancing buyer merchandise and in publicizing the qualities of an associations representative suggestion. Both, he perceived, required a solid brand, thus the idea of boss marking was imagined. He characterized manager marking as a lot of properties which cause the representatives to feel all the more near the organization and invest heavily of being related with the organization they work for. Boss marking is basically the psychological arrangement of a representative where the individual in question gets mental fulfillment in a similar way as when the pers on utilizes a result of a favored brand. Manager marking is accordingly a lot of mentalities, just as a variety of exercises and highlights empowering the way toward marking to be increasingly powerful. They could be mental (conduct of bosses), financial (pay bundle, benefits) or utilitarian (potential to develop, work doled out as indicated by ability). These definitions show that business marking implies advancing and fabricating a personality and an away from of what makes an association unique and attractive as a business. It has similitudes with item and corporate marking however the key distinction is its greater business explicit. Enlistment and boss marking Building up a business brand is a blend of receiving vision, qualities, and practices, and conveying a help that demonstrates responsibility to best practice and administration greatness. It starts with the enlistment procedure that offers number of apparatuses that can be utilized to make view of an utilizing association, these devices are: Employment ad and depiction Meeting process Offer letters Data pack for new enrollment specialists Worker handbooks Acceptance and preparing. The enrollment procedure is a significant method to construct a positive connection between the association and representative. All through the system, the association can make a solid and positive view about them; even it tends to be reached out to ineffective competitors too. At the point when representatives have acknowledged the genuineness and precision of the business brand, they will convey it forward, effectively elevating the brand to partners and clients. In any case, boss marking which is fundamentally untruthful won't work and is probably going to be counter-profitable. Advantages of Employer Branding Long haul sway: Successful business brand can positively affect enrolling for a lot of time while considering any Major PR issues. Expanded volume of unconstrained up-and-comers: The quantity of candidates will in general increment every year as the business marking gets more grounded. Instances of a 500% expansion of uses have additionally been watched. Increment in nature of the candidates: The nature of applicants will likewise improve drastically; people who could never have considered in the past will begin applying. Higher offer-acknowledgment rates: The pace of acknowledgment increment proportionately with the expansion of picture and generosity of the organization. Higher Employee Motivation: Employees can be handily propelled, or will remain persuaded longer in the organization due to the apparent pride in working for the organization, and better administration rehearses (for the most part) that is connected to the companys brand picture, in this way making it an organization people work for in light of the fact that they picked. A more grounded corporate culture: Employment marking can help reinforce firms corporate culture in view of the latency it gains from the very substance of manager marking; making an organization attractive to work for. Reduced negative exposure and picture: Effective marking can pinpoint issues by managing negative remarks and getting ready successful counter measurers. Expanded chief fulfillment: As an immediate consequence of expanded enthusiasm from progressively capable and capable candidates, the administrators will possess more energy for administrative capacities as the interest to commit more opportunity to enrollment procedure will diminish with the nature of the candidate gathering. Solid rivalry: Employer marking is like item marking. Consequently to stay with an attractive, it needs to refresh its UPS and stay aware of its guarantee of conveyance. This increments sound rivalry and furthermore improves the organizations constantly. Expanded investor esteem: The gradually expanding influence of the companys altruism by means of manager marking can likewise decidedly affect an organizations stock cost. Backing for the item brand: If an organization has a splendid brand picture, all things considered, its item will receive its rewards and be marked naturally. This aides particularly when the organization dispatches another item. The brand quintessence ought to sum up what the brand rely on, turning into the core for item advancement, all correspondences and even HR activities for workers. Its definition ought to likewise be steady with the corporate vision/strategic qualities. For instance, Volvo is a genuine case of a brand depiction is Volvo â€Å"Style, driving joy and predominant possession experience while praising human qualities and regarding the environment.† Volvos qualities and affiliations mirroring this brand character are what are viewed as ordinarily Scandinavian for example â€Å"nature, security and wellbeing, human qualities, rich straightforwardness, imaginative engineeringand the soul of a la mode/inventive functionality†. For Volvo, this portrayal not just mirrors the psycho-realistic profile of the perfect client for their vehicles, yet in addition sums up what Volvo as an organization intends to every one of its laborers its boss image. These are inborn qualities that Volvo laborers can identify with, what they put stock in and why they feel good creation a promise to their employments. One can without much of a stretch envision the kinds of HR programs that would rouse a feeling of pride and re-authorize these intangibles for example nature, wellbeing, security and other important human qualities. ‘Living the brand LIVING THE BRAND is relating to an associations brand an incentive to such a degree, that workers practices fit precisely to the picture that the business is attempting to depict to its clients (Alan Price 2007). The arrangement between workers conduct and estimation of associations brand picture is significant. It is proposed that associations need to guarantee that there is no hole between what the association is stating in the outside world and what individuals accept inside the business. The workers ought to be seen as Brand envoy and brand promoting would possibly be effective on the off chance that they LIVE THE BRAND. From this point of view: Associations have urged representatives to â€Å"buy in† to the business vision and qualities. They need to guarantee that everybody in the association unmistakably comprehend the motivation behind the regular arrangement of qualities. As per Ind (2004), the topics talked about are probably going to bear some significance with HR and showcasing experts just as those associated with inside correspondences inside associations. Representatives themselves are relied upon to disguise highlights and parts of the associations brand to guarantee that they become brand champions, in this manner assisting with speaking to associations brand to the outside clients. Such a methodology promptly raises some intriguing issues identifying with fairness and assorted variety as it anticipates that every worker should share a specific arrangement of qualities and act as per these qualities. The representative marking approach being suggested by Ind raises various difficulties for those keen on a correspondence and decent variety motivation. An association that plans to guarantee that representatives are experiencing the brand will explicitly intend to pull in and select workers who as of now share the estimations of the corporate brand. Besides, those effectively utilized inside the association will be urged to disguise the estimations of the association. Unmistakably, there are issues for empowering assorted variety here, with one of the standards of decent variety the executives being an acknowledgment and acknowledgment that individuals are unique and individual contrasts (particularly of qualities) ought to be invited. Innately, a living the brand center is probably going to conflict with such a rule. Ind points out that empowering worker recognizable proof and responsibility to the associations brand esteems may preclude an articulation from claiming independence. Nonetheless, Ind proposes that inward marking joined with permitting workers to be engaged will empower opportunity with request. Disavowal of uniqueness (clothing standard approach) With regards to proficient picture, numerous businesses are understanding that Standards of dress and individual introduction are fundamental along these lines having an approach on clothing standard can be significant. Where the workers meet clients, they go about as the shop window for the organization and the advantages of adequate appea

Friday, August 21, 2020

How Women Rank in Traditional Female Jobs

How Women Rank in Traditional Female Jobs ​Stereotypes remain constant with regards to the occupations that most ladies work. Requested to name the customary vocations ordinarily sought after by ladies, the greater part of us could without much of a stretch think of the occupations that utilize the most ladies. Secretaries, medical caretakers, and educators top the rundown. Together, these three occupations give employments to around 12 percent of every single working lady. Ladies in the Workforce Working ladies are a sizable piece of the populace. As per the U.S. Branch of Labor, 70 million ladies over the age of 16 were utilized in 2016 in both full-and low maintenance occupations. That is almost 60 percent of the female populace. In the board, ladies are making extraordinary steps, representing almost 40 percent of directors in the work power. But then, in 2014 it was accounted for that 4.8 percent of all ladies made an hourly rate at or beneath the government the lowest pay permitted by law. That is practically 1.9 million ladies. As indicated by the 2015 Women in the Labor Force: A Databook, 5.3 percent of ladies who are utilized work more than one occupation and 5.3 percent were independently employed. Contrast this with 4.5 percent of men with various occupations and 7.4 percent who are independently employed. Conventional Occupations of Working Women Taking a gander at theâ top ten occupations that utilize the most ladies, together they give employments to around 28% of the female workforce.â The accompanying table shows what those occupations are as indicated by a 2008 report and with the refreshed 2016 measurements for examination. One thing you may discover astounding is the pay hole found in these customarily female occupations. The normal week by week compensation earned by ladies keeps on falling behind that of their male associates. Occupation 2016 Total Women Employed 2016 % Women Workers 2008 % Women Workers 2016 Average Weekly Salary Secretaries Administrative Assistants 2,595,000 94.6% 96.1% $708(men gain $831) Enlisted Nurses 2,791,000 90.0% 91.7% $1,143(men gain $1261) Instructors - Elementary Middle School 2,231,000 78.5% 81.2% $981(men gain $1126) Clerks 2,386,000 73.2% 75.5% $403(men gain $475) Retail Salespersons 1,603,000 48.4% 52.2% $514(men gain $730) Nursing, Psychatric, Home Health Aides 1,813,000 88.1% 88.7% $498 (men gain $534) First-line administrators/directors of retail deals laborers 1,447,000 44.1% 43.4% $630(men gain $857) Hold up Staff ( servers) 1,459,000 70.0% 73.2% $441(men gain $504) Receptionists Information Clerks 1,199,000 90.1% 93.6% $581(men earn$600) Accounting, Accounting Auditing Clerks 1,006,000 88.5% 91.4% $716(men gain $790) What Does the Future Hold? The adjustment in the socioeconomics of Americas work power is evolving gradually, yet as indicated by the U.S. Branch of Labor, its critical. It is anticipated that we will see a log jam in development and simultaneously ladies will keep on making gains.â In the 2002 report A Century of Change: The U.S. Work Force, 1950-2050,  the Department of Labor takes note of that ladies have expanded their numbers at an incredibly fast pace in the previous 50 years. It envisions that development to back off from the 2.6 percent seen from 1950 to 2000 to 0.7 percent from 2000 to 2050. While that report ventures ladies making up 48 percent of the workforce in 2050, in 2016 were sitting at 46.9 percent. On the off chance that ladies keep on advancing at even the anticipated 0.7 percent rate, we will have topped that 48 percent by 2020, 30 years sooner than anticipated only 16 years earlier. The future for working ladies looks brilliant and the possibilities reach a long ways past the conventional occupations for ladies. Source Utilized people by point by point occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. 2016. Authority of Labor Statistics, U.S. Branch of Labor.Median week by week profit of full-time pay and compensation laborers by itemized occupation and sex. 2016. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Branch of Labor.20 Leading Occupations of Employed Women: 2008 Annual Averages. 2009. Womens Bureau, U.S. Branch of Labor.

Pericles Funeral Speech Analysis Essay

Pericles Funeral Speech Analysis Essay Pericles’ funeral oration “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated”, the words with such a strong meaning can be used perfectly to inspire the audience. But what is more inspiring is the way Pericles delivered the speech in the Greek famous War. In the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta, Pericles, Athens’ general and statesmen, delivered a powerfully comforting eulogy to the polis of Athens. This piece is a funeral oratory, a speech written to honor fallen Athenian heroes at the end of the first year of the Peloponnesian War while assuring the people that their city state is in good hands, and easing the pain of all the families and relatives of the deceased. At such a time of high emotions and patriotism, this oration is an example of Pericles’ brilliance with words. Pericles’ in fact used multiple methods in garnering support; since the “paragraphs” of the first half his speech are so highly organized, with one thought or idea moving clearly and substantially to the next, we will analize his speech part by part. The first theme, fitting in that the speech was given at a funeral for war heroes, is that the most valiant way a man can live and die is in service of freedom and his city â€" in this case Athens. As was customary at the end of each summer, the governor of Athens gave a public funeral oration to honor those who had died in battle. In the case of Governor Pericles â€" whose power depended on the will of the peopleâ€" and given that the war promised to escalate beyond what anyone had anticipated, he used the public event as an opportunity to pull the population of Athens together and rouse support. Pericles then continues to his central theme, extolling the uniqueness and virtue of Athens and its system of government: democracy. Pericles describes Athenian democracy as a system of government where men advance on merit rather than on class or wealth. Pericles glorifies the “equal justice to all” under the law that all men of Athens share and glorifies their superiority over their peer poleis. Pericles’ funeral oration summary Indeed, a worthy summation of Pericles’s oration is that it is a count of the “points in which [Athens] is worthy of admiration”. In spite of his often jingoistic faith in Athens, Pericles is indeed right in assuming that “the admiration of the present and succeeding ages will be [Athens’s]”. Even today we view this ancient city as the birthplace of the values of equality and democracy that we center our government upon. Since the analysis also considers the efficacy of the speech, there is a neo-Aristotelian or classical element to the underlying approach. Though the speech itself fits the broad definition of “ceremonial oratory,” the method of analysis is generative first and foremost, with no consideration given to epideictic models or methods. It is clear that Pericles views democracy as the best form of government and having adopted it, he views Athens as superior to their fellow city states. In fact, Pericles sees Athens as having the ultimate possible government; the one best conducive to freedom, liberty, courage, honor, and justice â€" the values most honored by the Athenians. Pericles extolls several of the virtues of Athens, most of them centered on the then-unique form of democracy. In a statement full of patriotism, Pericles proclaims: “We cultivate refinement without extravagance and knowledge without effeminacy; wealth we employ more for use than for show, and place the real disgrace of poverty not in owning to the fact but in declining the struggle against it.” That he could so effectively move from appeals to the audience’s sense of pride, comfort, and patriotism to an outright call to war proved curious. The methods he used to do so seem worthy of examination since citizens of more modern representative democracies should understand how their leaders manipulate (or to use a less negative term, “encourage”) them to take certain actions. Governor Pericles’ speech, captured by the Athenian historian General Thucydides and known as “The Funeral Oration,” serves as a model for how a leader in an executive role may raise the spirit of his or her people during a time of crisis. Beloved by historians, it offers a glimpse into a pivotal moment in ancient Greek history. Pericles’ speech offers a sort of road-map not only to determine how to construct such a speech, but for the audience to understand the appeals presented before them. The ability to move from patriotic appeals to a call for sacrifice, or of arms, should be understood by the audience of any representative democracy in order that they may rationally manage their own destinies and that of their nation. Pericles succeeded in it and garnered massive support for a war that was not going well and already appeared may drag on longer than anticipated, requiring great loss of blood, treasure, and the sacrifice of daily comfort at home. The “Funeral Oration” of Pericles stands as one of the great speeches of Western history. The people of our nation need to be grateful that they are even a part of a country that’s so superior, that it’s worth dying for.