Thursday, February 27, 2020

Controlling Organized Crime Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Controlling Organized Crime - Research Paper Example 3). Apparently, organized crimes raise a number of issues to the American society. Organized criminal groups have taken steep root that they even influence the media, win votes in the election, and influence and use officers who are in charge of law and order. In a democratic government, sometimes the political leaders also become the key elements in such organizations by providing as much support to the members. When such criminals get into the political institutions, the entire political system gradually becomes undercut, and nobody gets benefited from it except those schemers and manipulators. The money that is derived from the organized crime is so huge that can create a parallel economy in the country. Once this situation continues longer, country’s economy may suffer from inflation and price hikes. The illegal supply of arms can cause subversive activities and subsequently a kind of chaos unless the scenario becomes under control. Altogether, organized crime is a potenti al threat that can raise numerous challenges to a nation’s existence. According to Shelley (2002), today terrorism and transnational crime are the two central threats to our national and international safety. According to the author the linkage between the two is highly evident, for both use the similar mean to exploit the modern technology, use the same operators and same systems to move their fund, maintain a good network, and involve in crime in order to meet fund for their activities. Organized crime is the main source of income for the modern terrorist groups. They always want to conceal the source of money. As Schmid (2006) points out, according to the general concept, terrorism is aiming at certain changes in the political scenario; whereas organized crime looks at fiscal benefits through the illegal means (p.3). Admittedly, the author’s findings on terrorism seem rather weak in the present global scenario because the real objective of the modern terror organiza tions is ambiguous. However, the aim of the organized crime is explicitly monetary profit. Yet to make their task easy, as Forest (2007, p. 116) points out, they often involve in combined venture with the terrorists especially in international trade and trafficking of drugs and weapons. Admittedly, despite the genuine efforts made to address the over presence of the illegal organizations in the US, organized crime has been becoming one of the leading threats to the federal law enforcement officials for the past few decades. The major advantage the transnational criminals enjoy is that there are no universally accepted measures to fight the organized crime. The organized crime is so powerful enough to influence the industrial sectors and even the economy of many of the developed countries. Berdal and Serrano (2002) put forward a good example for this. According to them, the legal industries rely on the precursor chemicals in large quantities for the cocaine and heroin processing; and attempting to restrict these chemicals can hinder legal trade and have been resisted by the chemical manufactures in the US and Europe (p.43). Effective prosecution often becomes difficult once the culprits are the members of the political institutions or because of the technical skills they possess when compared

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Argumentation Based on Marx's Communist Manifesto Essay

Argumentation Based on Marx's Communist Manifesto - Essay Example Modern industrial society is typified by class struggle between those who own the factors of production and proletariat. However, the influence of capitalism has been on the decline and is ceasing to be compatible with this exploitive relationship. Therefore, those who provide labor will lead to a revolution. This revolution will be different from the previous one. This is because in this revolution the proletariat will have to destroy all ownership of private property. In turn, this will lead to a complete overhaul of the classes eventually disappearing. The manifesto argument is that this development is unstoppable, and capitalism will inherently collapse. As a result, the communist engages in promoting revolution, and this will ensure that those involved are able to move history towards its natural conclusion. They concur that the elimination of social classes cannot take through reforms or changes in government. They know that such fundamental changes can only take place through a revolution. The Communist Manifesto was a plan by Marx and Friedrich Engels. They argue that for changes to take place in both society and political institutions it must be driven by a process of universal struggle on parts of groups of people with similar economic fate in order to realize their material or economic interests (Marx-Engels Archive 1). These struggles as shown in the history have been struggles of economically inferior classes against economically dominant classes who are against their economic interests (Marx-Engels Archive 1). This process has shaped the currently industrialized world: the bourgeoisie in its struggle against the aristocratic class of feudal society (Marx-Engels Archive 1). This has been heightened through travel to different parts of the world, and the discovery of new products and goods that created rooms for commercial activities. This is because the bourgeoisie whose purpose is to accumulate managed to grow wealthier and became politically embo ldened against the feudal order. In fact, the bourgeoisie has uplifted their authority to a stable entity in the society and drives various sector of the economy in pursuit of their interests. The interest of accumulation by the merchants has assured them to overcome the globe. They have forced almost all to adopt the capitalist mode of production. On the other hand, the bourgeois has fundamentally altered all aspects of the society, even the families and hence substituted rural civilization with enormous cities. Through industrialization, the means of production and exchange that drives this process of expansion and change have resulted in a subordinate class whose fate is determined by the bourgeoisie (Marx-Engels Archive 1). This class is the proletariat, and they have been uprooted by capitalism and hence are forced to sell labor to the bourgeoisie. This offends them as they remember how before they possessed and sold what they produced (Marx-Engels Archive 1). They face exploit ation and are forced to compete with one another for forever-shrinking wages as a means of production becomes more complicated. However, the workers will become enlightened and unite to fight their common enemy: the bourgeoisie. Furthermore, they will cooperate with an increasing number of the middle class whose source of livelihoods keep on dwindling due to large factories owned by a shrinking number of superrich industries (Marx-Engels Archive 1). The bourgeoisie will eventually be the author of their own downfall.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Air Cargo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Air Cargo - Assignment Example It is worth mentioning that the airline sector has been developing in a massive rate and is growing faster than any other segment across the globe (Hvidt, 2013). Additionally, with the development of logistics, the transport sector of the GCC regions is identified to be flourishing in a massive manner. The GCC countries are majorly inclined in developing mobility connections across the countries with the aim of enhancing their network and transportation facility. Furthermore, with the recent development in trade and commerce, development of roads, airports and bus networks has become quite evident. This has further promoted the development of transport sector, which evolved largely after the decision made by the government towards making the airways sector privatized (Saif, 2009). With this concern, the essay intends to analyze and discuss about the airline and air cargo operations in the three GCC countries namely Bahrain, Qatar and UAE. Moreover, an attempt has been made in identifying the factors that contributed in evolving and changing such conditions over the preceding 30 years with making future projections about the development of the same. Since World War I, the aircrafts in the GCC nations were majorly used carrying lightweight materials. Presently, world cargo exchange is majorly based on air transport for both transferring lightweight as well as heavy weight materials. There has been a series of development that has been incorporated into the cargo sector for carrying the heavy materials throughout the globe. The cargo careers are highly modified to ease carrying the different materials across diverse regions. However, there always been a strict monitoring prevalent in the sector, which enhances the credibility of the careers to carry heavy goods. The types of cargo that are carried into the varied gulf countries generally constitute most of the foreign

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Final Exam - Marketing Audit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Exam - Marketing Audit - Research Paper Example The company revolutionized the concept of computing by introducing iPhone, iTune, and iPods to customers. 2.0 Answer 1 My impression about the company before visiting Apple’s store was dependent on various factors like product quality, state of art technology they offer. I am impressed with the Stylish product line such as iPhone, iPad and iTune offered by the company. Before visiting the store I thought of purchasing stylish product like iPhone from the store. 3.0 Answer 2 My impression about the company has changed after visiting their store. I am amazed with the staff behavior and their sales service. I am also impressed with the banners and designs they use (part of sales promotion) to attracts customer. Before visiting the store I was only thinking about their product quality but now I believe Apple has achieved market leadership due to their customer friendly behavior and superior sales service. Sales person of the company helped me to understand unique benefits of iPhon e 5 (product I am planning to purchase). Sales person told me that iPhone 5 is 20% lighter, 18% thinner than previous iPhone models. I am advised their staffs to visit Apple’s facebook page in order to join their community. Community membership will help me to get latest news and updates of from Apple. Overall impression about the company has changed from good to excellent after visiting Apple’s store. ... Staffs of the shop gave me highest priority when I visited their store. They also advised me to contact immediately for any kind of product related problems. I left the shop with a big smile complemented with satisfaction. 5.0 Answer 4 I have observed that management style of Apple has motivated the retail store to present their product in innovative manners. During product presentation staffs were trying to discuss minute details with customers. I have also observed that management of the retail store gives importance on creating systematic operational structure. Staffs have treated me with utmost importance and during my stay in the shop I have not observed any kind of chaos or irrational behavior from the staffs. Each of the staff is well trained and knows very well how to handle customers. I am impressed with the systematic management functions of Apple store. 6.0 Answer 5 Sales staff of the store helped me to select right iPhone model suiting in accordance to product specificati on I mentioned to them. I purchased the product after hour long discussion with the staff of the store about various application of iPhone. I have also visited other parts of the store to go through various items like iPod, iTV and iTune offered by the company and each of the time I was welcomed by warm smile by staffs. Staffs of the store also helped me to understand various customer loyalty schemes offered by the company and gave me advised to select right loyalty program in accordance to my personality. I have thoroughly experienced the buying process during my last visit to Apple store (Noh, 2008, p. 14). 7.0 Answer 6 I have registered to membership program designed by Apple stores for their customers. I have purchased