Monday, September 30, 2019

Nursing: Health Care and Nurses Essay

The impact of institute of medicine (IOM) report on Transforming Nursing Education, Practice, and Leadership. Nursing profession is an indispensible part of the healthcare system and the opportunities for a nursing career are limitless, one may choose from a number of career paths, including clinical practice, education, research, management, administration and leadership. In the midst of all these career paths, clients are the center of practice and they have wide variety of healthcare needs, experiences, vulnerabilities, and expectations. This is what makes nursing both challenging and rewarding. In other to respond and adapt to changes evolving in the health care system, there must be a transformation in nursing education, practice and leadership. Based on these changes and transformation, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), released the report â€Å"The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.† This comprehensive report explores the need of the profession to adapt to changes and prepare to meet challenges that will occur as a result of the health care reform. With the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans who were previously uninsured now find themselves with the opportunity to have access to medical care that was previously denied to them. With large number of individuals who are now able to receive primary care, there is concern as to whether or not there will be enough providers available to handle the massive increase in patient load. The reformed health care system now brings on new challenges and these challenges offer nurses the opportunity to practice with more freedom in order help close the gaps within our health care delivery system. The IOM committee formulated key messages that structure its recommendation for this transformation, focusing on the delicate ground of nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing leadership. The report has it that nurses should be able to practice their full potential and extent based on the training and the education (Transforming Practice); the nurses should be able to achieve excellence in improved system of education and as well training (Transforming Education); and nurses should partner in full with doctors and professionals in health care in the redesigning of practices (Transforming Leadership). The report based on the need to transform practice states that â€Å"Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training.† (Institute of Medicine, 2010) There is the need to allow nurses who have obtained the appropriate education, such as a masters or doctorate degree, also referred to as advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to provide primary care and not be restricted by state laws and regulations. Guidelines should be set based on their experience and competency. Transforming the practice of nursing will be beneficial in future. It will enhance quality, easy access to care, reduce waiting lines, promote health, prevent illness, and care for people of all ages and ethnicities. The ability for people to seek quality, affordable health care means nurses will be taking on new roles. The center of the health care system will be changed to primary care and prevention and will allow more advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) to take on the primary care role. Nurses will expand their scope of practice and increase their responsibilities through teaching and counseling patients about their health care problems. They will coordinate care, act as patients advocate and be able to refer patients to physicians especially those that need specialist care. One concept involved in this transformation, is providing patient-centered care in all aspects. The IOM report refers to this as nurse guided care. â€Å"The nurse providing guided care offers eight services: assessment; planning care; monitoring; coaching; chronic disease self-management; educating and supporting caregivers; coordinating transitions between providers and sites of care; and facilitating access to community services, such as Meals-on-Wheels, transportation services, and senior centers.† (IOM, 2010, p.95) This holistic approach enables the nurse to provide a level of continuity of care throughout the entire process. On the impact on education, the report stated that â€Å"the current health care system was molded around caring for individuals in acute care illness and injury situations, but as time evolves and the population ages, we have begun to notice that care has shifted to a heavier and wider variety of chronic illnesses† (National League for Nursing, 2010). It is for this reason that the IOM’s report suggest that nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training, through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression (Institute of Medicine, 2010). The first suggestion to transform nursing education involves an effort being made to encourage associate degree nurses to obtain BSN degrees by the year 2020. The report recommends five competent categories to be integrated in the nursing education. They are, patient centered care, working with other interdisciplinary teams, emphasize practice based on evidence, seeking improvement in quality, and informatics. Computer skills and information management are required for nurses in order to keep up with the technological advancement in the medical field. Higher nursing degrees provide nurses with more critical thinking skills; this will create efficiency and improved quality of care for the patient. In order to increase nursing competence, it is paramount that there is an improved education system that promotes continuous academic progression as opposed to the current disjointed system that is both archaic and ineffective. As well as increasing the percentage of nurses who attain a Baccalaureate in the Science of Nursing (BSN) to 80% by 2020, having at least 10% of BSN nurses to enter a master or doctoral program, and doubling the number of nurses who pursue doctoral degrees, the profession should institute residency training in addition to currently instrumented internship programs for novice nurses. Well trained nurses with seasoned knowledge will be able to handle the massive increase in p atient load. The reformed health care system now brings on new challenges and these challenges offer nurses the opportunity to practice with more freedom in order help close the gaps within our health care delivery system. On the leadership front, the report calls on nurses in different levels ranging from student nurses, frontline nurses, community nurses, chief nursing officers, Nurse researchers, to the nursing organizations to acquire leadership skills and competencies to work in conjunction with doctors and other health care professionals in reform effort across the healthcare settings. Nurses are called to be actively involved in leadership at all levels, to be involved in decision making and also effect policy changes in the country. This leadership skill will start as early as in school to the practice settings. Finally, this transformation on the healthcare delivery system began with the issue of change. Change threatens many, but also opens up opportunities for improvement. The ultimate issue in designing and delivering healthcare is ensuring the health of the population by widening and improving the scope of nursing practice through the use of APRN in delivering primary care. Many clients do not receive continuity of care, many clients are now able to access care since the passage of the Affordable care act, so nurses in all levels and settings should be better prepared to deal with the challenges in healthcare. Many healthcare organizations are changing how they provide their services, reduce unnecessary cost, improve access to care and try to provide high quality client care. Professional nursing is an important player in effecting these changes listed above through transformation in their education, practice and active participation in leadership as advocated in the report. References American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011). Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice. Washington, DC: Author Cresaia, J., & Friberg, E. (2010) Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to professional Nursing Practice. (5th ed). St Louis, MO: Elsevier. Institute Of Medicine. (2004). In the nation’s compelling interest: Ensuring diversity in the health care workforce. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Institute Of Medicine. (2010) â€Å"The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2010).† Retrieved November 8, 2012 from National League for Nursing. (2010) Nursing education research: Graduations from RN programs. Accessed November 8, 2012 from

Future Trend of Crisis Intervention Essay

Future Trend of Crisis Intervention in the Human Services Delivery System In the United States Human Service profession continues to expand yearly. Despites the yearly gross for this profession many people still strive to continue to succeed in this profession. It is unfortunate that sadly human service workers are the first to become victims of budget cuts and layoffs because of low funds. This paper will focus on the trend of human service, the practice of crisis intervention in human services, challenges likely by the trends as a result of the impact and how human service workers should deal with these trends. Purpose of Crisis Intervention Crisis intervention is mainly important for those who have been in some type of crisis. Those who have experienced emotional, mental, and physiological distress are among those who make use of crisis intervention methods. Normally a person who experiences crisis intervention cannot function normally, need help coping and not capable of solving problems by him or herself. Kidnapping, sexual assault, criminal victimizations are several crises that people face. One of the main issues that human services face today is meeting the needs of people. Crisis intervention has evolved into a human service subspecialty to help people who cannot afford high costs for mental health issues. Crisis intervention core goal is to help decrease victim’s reaction to a crisis that may be behavioral, mental, and physical. It helps victims return to their normal selves by removing ineffective coping skills. Some of these are substance abuse, alcohol abuse, aloofness, and a host of others. Often time’s people recover from their crisis by speaking about what occurred and other lifetime achievements. It depends on the individual to determine the time frame that its takes a person to seek help after a crisis. Crisis intervention program can take place in a hospital, clinics, mental health centers, and other social service agencies. Unfortunate it is not appropriate for people suffering long-standing problems.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Right Sided Heart Failure Health And Social Care Essay

Hyperthyroidism has been known to do a assortment of cardiovascular manifestations. In recent times, there have been studies of secondary pneumonic high blood pressure in patients with thyrotoxicosis, though in most instances this association lead merely to a mild and transeunt lift of average pneumonic arteria force per unit area. This was normally a opportunity happening with bulk non being diagnostic. We hereby show a instance, who on presentation had the marks and symptoms of right bosom failure and was later diagnosed with pneumonic high blood pressure. With all common secondary causes ruled out, Graves ‘ disease seemed the possible etiology in this patient with elevated thyroid map trial. Treatment of Graves ‘ disease with radioiodine therapy in this patient was associated with important autumn in average pneumonic arteria force per unit area. Keywords: Pneumonic high blood pressure, Grave ‘s disease, thyrotoxicosis.Introduction:Our instance of a immature female with a anterior history of arthritic bosom disease and mitral regurgitation, presented with grounds of right bosom failure. She was found to hold important pneumonic high blood pressure ( PAH ) with normal left ventricular map which pointed towards an etiology of PAH in the lungs. All the common possible secondary causes of PAH were ruled out but during the probes she was found to hold elevated thyroid map trials compatible with the diagnosing of Graves ‘ disease. The intervention of Graves ‘ disease, ab initio by medicines and later by radioiodine therapy, was associated with a important decrease in the pneumonic arteria systolic force per unit area. The intent of this instance study is to foreground one of the unusual and under-diagnosed presentations of Grave ‘s disease. The association between PAH and thyrotoxicosis was foremost reported in an necropsy instance in 1980. [ 4 ]Case Presentation:A 30yr old Hindu married female, occupant of Mumbai, presented with a 2-month history of dyspnoea on effort ( NYHA Class II ) which had worsened to dyspnea at remainder since 2 yearss and pedal hydrops for 2 yearss. She besides had orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea and palpitations. Her past and household histories were non-contributory. At presentation, she had mild tachycardia ( bosom rate= 108/min ) , normal blood force per unit area ( 120/70mm of Hg ) , raised JVP ( 8cms. ) , pedal hydrops and a thyroid puffiness. Examination of the thorax revealed hyperdynamic vertex round tangible at 5th intercostal infinite, a diastolic daze, and a left parasternal heaving. On auscultation, she had a loud P2 and a grade 3/6 pan-systolic mutter in the mitral country radiating to the armpit, which increased on termination. She besides had bilateral crackles on lung Fieldss. Her chest X ray revealed megalocardia and outstanding proximal pneumonic arteria. ECG showed right axis divergence, ‘P pulmonale ‘ , and an grounds of right ventricular hypertrophy. Consequences of 2D ECHO included grounds of arthritic bosom disease with mild mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, terrible pneumonic arteria high blood pressure with systolic force per unit area of 70 millimeter of HgH , normal biventricular map and a left ventricular expulsion fraction of 60 % . She underwent work-up for pneumonic high blood pressure with high declaration computed imaging of thorax which showed mild megalocardias without any grounds of parenchymal engagement and a bulky thyroid. Computed tomographic pneumonic angiography showed no grounds of pneumonic thromboembolism. Ultrasonography of the thyroid showed bulky thyroid with increased vascularity and altered echotexture. Radioiodine uptake scan showed diffuse consumption in thyroid secretory organ. Relevant research lab consequences included serum T3 concentration of 450.93 ng/dL ( normal 70-204 ng/dL ) , T4 concentration of 40.6 ?g/dL ( normal 3.2-12.6 ?g/dL ) and TSH concentration of & A ; lt ; 0.01Â µIU/mL. HIV screen was non-reactive. Auto-antibody screen revealed positive anti-microsomal and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies and decrepit positive anti-nuclear antibody ( 1:100 ) Patient was ab initio started on Lasix with minimum benefit. After the diagnosing of Graves ‘ disease was made, she was started on beta-blockers and carbimazole. Patient was later sent to TATA infirmary for radioiodine therapy. A follow-up after 2 months with repetition 2 D Echocardiography showed pneumonic arteria systolic force per unit area of 45 millimeter of Hg ( important lessening from the old value ) .Discussion:Pneumonic arterial high blood pressure ( PAH ) is defined as a average pneumonic arteria force per unit area ( mPAP ) of & A ; gt ; 25 millimeter Hg at remainder or & A ; gt ; 30 millimeter Hg after exercising. [ 1 ] The etiology is divided into primary or secondary causes. Secondary causes of PAH include cardiac valvular disease, COPD, pneumonic fibrosis, left bosom failure, clogging slumber apnea, pneumonic thrombo-embolism, HIV infection, drugs, toxins and collagen vascular diseases. [ 3 ] Primary pneumonic high blood pressure is associated with a bad result, hence, it is necessary to seek for secondary, reversible causes of pneumonic high blood pressure before doing any diagnosing. [ 3 ] Haran and co-workers [ 2 ] reported a instance of a 33-year-old Asiatic adult male with 2 months of diagnostic Graves ‘ disease, echocardiographic grounds of elevated right ventricular systolic force per unit area and normal cardiac valves. This patient was treated with medicines only- Inderal, propylthiouracil, steroids, and Procardia and repetition echocardiography 6 months subsequently showed important autumn in right ventricular systolic force per unit area. Suk JH and co-workers [ 5 ] performed consecutive echocardiographic scrutinies in 64 untreated patients with Graves ‘ disease. The survey found that the prevalence of PAH amongst the patients in the survey was 44 % . Follow up echocardiography performed in the patients with PAH after intervention with anti-thyroid drugs, revealed that PAH had vanished in all except one patient. Marvisi M and co-workers [ 9 ] studied 114 patients with thyrotoxicosis of which 47 had Graves ‘ disease and 67 had nodular goitre alongwith a matched control group. Mild pneumonic high blood pressure was found in 50 instances from the patient group which was once more divided into 2 subgroups: those treated with methimazole and those with partial thyroidectomy. After a 120 twenty-four hours followup, the survey concluded that the association between thyrotoxicosis and mild and transient PAH is frequent and that methimazole causes a faster autumn in mPAP compared to partial thyroidectomy. Though the exact pathogenesis of this status is non known, the mechanisms that have been debated in literature include: increased pneumonic blood flow [ 5 ] or autoimmune procedure associated with endothelial harm [ 8 ] . Other possible accounts include increased cardiac end product in thyrotoxicosis or increased dislocation of intrinsic pneumonic vasodilatives [ 6 ] .Decision:In patients with pneumonic high blood pressure non related to left bosom disease, a hunt must be made for other reversible causes before doing the diagnosing of primary pneumonic high blood pressure. [ 3 ] Hyperthyroidism is rather often associated with mild and transient pneumonic high blood pressure than antecedently thought and is normally reversible with intervention. [ 5,9 ] In rare fortunes, pneumonic high blood pressure secondary to hyperthyroidism can be terrible plenty to show with right bosom failure and should be included in the differential diagnosing when other common causes have been ruled out. [ 7 ] Using medicines for intervention of thyrotoxicosis with PAH is associated with faster autumn in mPAP. [ 9 ]

Readymade Garment Industry in India Essay

In depth market scenario includes; – Current market size estimates, including domestic market and exports – Market size by players – Top Companies – Market size by product categories (By Type) – Men’s wear, Women’s wear , Kid’s wear , Other (Uniforms) – Market size by regions – North, South, East, West Market structure details the value chain key players’ presence across products. Market practices include understanding the Opportunity in Readymade Garment sets business, market trends, Distribution structure and pricing in India. The report also provides a snapshot of key competition, past market trends with forecast over the next 5 years, anticipated growth rates and the principal factors driving and impacting growth Market data and analytics are derived from a combination of primary and secondary sources Table of Content Section 1: Background Scope of this research Research aim and objectives Research methodology Section 2: Executive Summary Market landscape Future opportunity Section 3: Market Overview Product classification Market structure Players presence Key market trends Distribution structure Typical price points Section 4: Estimate of Market Size in India All India market size – Domestic, Exports, Imports Past 3 years market growth Section 5: Market Share Estimates Market size by players Market size by product categories Market size by regions Section 6: Factors Impacting Market Growth Market drivers Market challenges Market restraints Section 7: Market Forecast Overall market forecast – FY 13 to FY 18 5 years market forecast by product categories For more information kindly visit: About MarketReportsonIndia Market Report on India is a portal where you can access thousands of reports on India starting from Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Stock Market and Paramount

Case Study Questions –Paramount Communications Inc. 1993- Why a paramount is a takeover target? Several Strategic Reasons – Cost reduction: through combinations of similar business and economy of scales – Sales increase: a) cross-promotions of each company’s brand and utilization of each company’s channels, and b) cooperation in international businesses. 2. Which of the two firms (Viacom or QVC) would make a better fit with Paramount? -Viacom: Overlap in the business creates synergies regarding cost and revenue. However, cannibalisation may happen in the near future. QVC: Small rooms for synergies (cost reductions may be limited to non-business section. ). Volatility may high regarding the realisation of synergies (Most of new synergies come from new businesses. ). Therefore, Viacom is more likely to be a good fit with Paramount. 3. Compare your valuation (stand-alone basis) with market price. What makes the difference between two prices? Target Pri ce: $26. 48 to 29. 41 Market Price: $ 48. 88 to 55. 50 Market Price Multiples: Multiples imply the current stock price is overvalued. PER 33. 46 X, PBR 1. 61 X, EV/EBITDA 13. 7X There is a big difference in our Target Price and Market Price.This may come from 1) Market expectation that the company will generate more Free Cash Flow growth in the next few years 2) Speculation regarding potential takeover 4. What effect would Viacom have on the costs at Paramount if it bought the company? What effect would Viacom have on Paramount’s growth rate? What would happen to costs and sales growth if QVC bought Paramount instead? 1) Viacom impact on the cost and growth rate at Paramount -Cost reduction can be expected thorough combinations of similar business and economy of scales -Viacom will increase sales growth of Viacom by cross-selling and cooperation in international businesses. ) QVC impact on the costs and sales growth at Paramount -Though QVC expects , the cost reduction will b e limited as both companies share the same business area. In addition, sales growth of Paramount will be cut as QVC has intention of restructuring some of the Paramount businesses. 5. What is Paramount worth to Viacom? – Theme park (cross-selling) – Film Library/Film Distribution Business 6. What is Paramount worth to QVC? – New business opportunities in Entertainment – Film Library/Film Distribution Business 7. Compare your valuation with Smith Barney’s.What assumptions do you have to make to get the terminal value EBITDA multiples used by Smith Barney. Is there any benefit of their method relative to FCF method? Smith Barney is using EBITDA of 14 to 16X. Since EBITDA multiple tends to revert to a certain level over the year, we need to assume that the market will keep pricing the company at the same level of 1993. The merits of EBITDA multiples: -They don’t need to assume the perpetual growth rate which is hard to calibrate but has substan tial impact on pricing. -They can ignore the capital structure change Easier to understand (it is â€Å"market consensus†) 8. What doe 30% premium suggest? Is it reasonable? 30% of premium over the market price may be reasonable given; a) control premium b) the nature of takeover (it can be considered as â€Å"Insider Trading†, and to avoid litigation by shareholders, an acquirer may need to pay premium) c) consideration of synergies through a takeover. 9. How should Redstone proceed? What price should he offer? Should the offer be a cash offer, a stock offer, or some combination? What should he do about the lock-out option and the termination fee?Should he bother trying to buy Paramount at all? -The price to offer: $63. 00 (after aggressive synergies consideration) > premium of 14. 55% over the current stock price ($55. 00) -The type of merger: The total amount required will be From $63. 00 * 120million shares * 50. 1% = $3,787. 6 million to $63. 00 * 120million share s * 100% = $7,560 million. Cash: $3,783. 6million to $7,560 million was too much as Viacom has only $28. 7 million cash and most of cash is supposed to be kept for working capital (total current liabilities amount to $848. 3 million).Also, as the LBO is impossible either since Paramount has only around Free Cash Flow of around $300 million. Stock Offer: Therefore, stock offer can be a more reasonable option. However, Redstone’s control over Viacom itself will decrease (see the table below). Lock-up and termination fee: Redstone should cease the options first if he really wants to buy the company. Conclusion: Redstone should not buy Paramount for the following reasons; a) He will substantially lose his control over Viacom b) Current market price is overvalued compared to Paramount’s intrinsic value. c) Realisation of synergies on revenue side is still uncertain.

Family Variations and Implications to Children Essay

Family Variations and Implications to Children - Essay Example In contemporary communities such as in the U.K, racial variations, economic factors and family structures portray great influences on behaviors that are adopted by children in different backgrounds, which are also affected by social and economic status of families. Therefore, economic, social, and cultural background of a family has a great impact on the behaviors and the upbringing of a child in the community. Children from single parenting portray different characteristics from children with two parents, with the gender of the child being a factor in determining how the family structure and relationships affects children in particular families. Wright & Chrysalis (2007, 16) argue that the rapidly changing family dynamics result in varying characteristics and behaviors in children, indicating that the structure of a family has a direct impact on the upbringing of a child. Therefore, children adopt behaviors and characteristics that mirror the family cultural and economic backgrounds , and family structures in the society. In this report, the various effects of family structures and their effects on children influenced by the social, economic, and cultural factors will be investigated. Berthoud (2) further notes that in black families, the issue of extended family is more profound, and may include grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, among others. Generally, research in most U.K families portray most traditional family structures are more stable compared to the current marriage structures, which include single parenting and cohabitation forms of marriages (Mooney, Oliver & Smith 2009, 3). Children in stable marriages portray healthy and stable development psychologically, mentally and are in most cases protected from vices experienced by children in the other two forms of marriages (Mooney, Oliver & Smith 2009, 3). Such children are likely to be morally responsible according stable upbringing, or the favorable atmosphere in these families; they have to learn th eir cultural orientations and the expected code of behaviors in the society. These family structures lead to enhanced bonding among the family members that protect children from the effects and influence of cohabitation and single parenting marriages. Hollist & McBroom (2006) in a research study indicated that children from single parent households report poor academic performance, psychological, and social behaviors, which may include early school dropout, risky sexual behaviors, drug abuse, and juvenile delinquency, among others. However, when economic considerations are taken in place, families with two parents and in higher income bracket were found to fair the same with parents with single parenting (Berthoud, 2). This implies that family income in families makes a huge different in portraying variations in children upbringing. However, similar studies on variation of children brought up in different households and their academic performance portrayed no significant difference. Curtis (2007) argues that in U.K, children from low income families are half as likely to attain good grades in their GCSEs, compared to their counterparts in high income families. Curtis further elaborates that these children are more vulnerable in the community, and their probability to leave these schools with better qualifications compared to their counterparts in well off families, with this gap between children in the two social groups widening over time. Curtis further

Friday, September 27, 2019

Economic crisis in France Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Economic crisis in France - Essay Example The ills of lowdown are being experienced by the citizens of France. The citizens of the country are facing hard times in order to pay off their loans. The financial crisis led to loss of job opportunities and therefore the citizens did not have enough money on their hands to serve the basic requirements. The citizens are getting inclined to secure loans and debt to serve their finances. France has not been capable enough to direct foreign direct institutions into the country and financial crisis did not excluded France from shedding the ill effects. Performance of the French economy It is noted that the country of France suffered from low productivity as well as employment losses in the phase of 2008. But the impact of the crisis has been relatively less on France as compared to other advanced countries. The recovery phase has been sluggish for France. The country partly excluded itself from the asset price shocks. The above figure shows the loss and the recovery for France. The oth er panel shows the loss in employment and recovery. The country has been less open over the decade or so, therefore it experienced steady loss of export compared with the European partners. The current account balance deteriorated steadily while the reduction in openness ratio was 9 percentage points in the decade of 2000 to 2010 (European Commission, 2009). The lower degree of openness cats as the constraint in limiting the capability of the economy to rebound itself in the short run. It also limits the progress of the economy in the medium term. Experts opine cyclical effects of the recent decline as the share of the capital income for the residents of France is far behind from that of the European partners. The figure below will act as the evidence regarding the performance of the macroeconomic indicators for France. (International Monetary Fund, 2012, pp. 1-5). The economy of France is showing no progress for the fourth consecutive year. The early part of 2012 showed a sign towa rds returning towards the path of growth. The tensions in the financial markets were eased by the effective monetary policies of the European Union. Growth process may get hindered by the weak trade prospects and further austerity measures. The economy is expected to remain flat in the recent future and recovery process will take place from 2014. The lack of domestic demand can be accounted to be the reason. The consumption of household and residential investment is held back by rise in the level of unemployment and reduction in real disposable income. The exports are expected to grow in 2013 but the conditions of the Euro area are not too good for the cause. The authority has announced an injection of 30 billion Euros and the rate of tax has been raised for the high income earners. The aim is to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.5 to 3% of GDP. The growth rate assumed for 2013 is 0.8%. The lending towards the private sector will still remain flat. The unfolding of the events in the neighbouring countries will have severe effects on the prospects of the economy of France (National Institute Economic Review, 2012, p. 5). The President of France has promised in a reduction in forecasts in budget deficits to 3% of GDP. The growth forecast for 2012 was 0.5% while that of 2013 is 1.7%. According to some experts the deficit will slip to 5% in

Transformation in the US Military Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Transformation in the US Military - Essay Example Transformation of US military Introduction Since the 9/11 attacks, the US military has taken an active part in the political and global military activities for the US and for the international community. Inasmuch as it is considered one of the most powerful and advanced military units in the world, its vulnerabilities have been manifest in recent years. With the trends in globalization taking the spotlight, the need to introduce changes and to transform the military has been a growing concern. Efforts to transform the military have been seen in the past years and these efforts have had various effects in the way that the US military has implemented these changes. This paper shall now consider two of these efforts to transform the US military. One of these efforts is the effort to improve diversity and multiculturalism in the military. Another effort is on improvements in the coordination and cooperation with other countries in terms of military operations and issues of unrest. This a nalysis will compare and contrast these efforts and will identify two or three key factors that led to the perceived or actual need to transform, two of three key policies enacted to effect desired transformation, and the leading forces that shaped policies pursued in order to achieve the transformation. Discussion Efforts to increase diversity and multiculturalism in the US military have been implemented by the government.... This segregation created different issues, including racial confrontations within the military between 1942 and 1945 (Canaday, 2001). Despite passage of policies against segregation after WWII, this practice was still seen during the Korean War; however gradual integration was seen towards the end of the Korean War. Through this practice, the US army saw that combat effectiveness became more effective when racial integration was applied. The Secretary of War in 1963 set forth command responsibility for civil rights issues and in order to address racial tension, the military conceptualized the Defense Race Relations Institute (Canaday, 2001). This institute performed educational, training, and research functions. This institute was renamed Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute and it broadened the readiness of military readiness in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and religion (Canaday, 2001). Colin Powell’s rise as the premier first African-American Secretary of Stat e and his rise to his current status is a testament to effective solid efforts towards diversity within the military. A major factor affecting transformation of the US military in terms of diversity is the fact that the US military has made an effort towards integrating racial, ethnic, religious, and national groups into the military practice (Canaday, 2001). Many leaders recognized the fact that with more contact between whites and blacks, the better it was for racial integration. Moreover, the military has â€Å"a bureaucratic ethos and formality†¦that mitigated tensions arising from individual or personal feelings† (Canaday, 2001). The military was also able to hold the commanders responsible for equal

Thursday, September 26, 2019

List of book 234 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

List of book 234 - Essay Example Description: This brightly colored picture book tells the story of a couple who adopts a child from another country. It is a helpful aide for teaching kids about adoption. Karen Katz (Author, Illustrator) Description: This picture book for young children teaches children about the different kinds of families in the world today. It is particularly helpful in teaching about multiculturalism and acceptance. Description: This award winning book presents the classic Aesop’s Fable about a lion and a mouse who are overcome their differences and help each other. This is a good book for teaching children about overcoming differences and helping one another. Description: This book is particularly helpful for toddlers as it teaches how to control emotions and how to calm down when upset. For any child with tantrum problems, this can be a great tool with its fun pictures and rhymes. Elizabeth Verdick (Author) †º Visit Amazons Elizabeth Verdick PageFind all the books, read about the author, and more.See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Day and Night Description: This is a picture book for children at preschool age or younger. It is a humorous tool for teaching children about things that they should do such as changing their socks each day and things that they should not such as brushing teeth with peanut

Business Models and Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Models and Planning - Essay Example A business plan is the formal account of the venture’s goals, the rationales as to why the goals are attainable, and the step-by-step process to be used towards reaching the goals. Often, it may also contain fundamental information on the team or the organization trying to reach the set targets and goals. On the other hand, a business model is a description of the ways in which a venture creates, captures and delivers value – either social, economic, or in other form. Business model designing forms a part of the business strategy. The descriptions covered in a business model include the purpose, strategies, offerings, organizational structure, infrastructure, the policies, operational processes and the trading practices to be implemented. The core functions of a business model include the model by which the venture offers value to its customers, attracts customers into paying for the value offered, and the way it converts the payment to profit.1 Discussion From Zott, Am it, and Massa (2010), business models have formed a highly debatable area of inquiry among practitioners and scholars. This is evident from the high number of peer reviewed journals written on the subject – these amounting to 1,177. There has also been an acute rise in the number of practitioner-oriented inquiries, over the same subject. From a careful review of the issues of debate; the issues that scholars and practitioners do not agree upon include a clearly unanimous definition of a business model; the phenomena of importance, with regard to the areas of growth – these including e-business and use of technology, strategy issues like competitive advantage, value creation, and venture performance; and technology management and innovation. Thirdly, there are widespread acknowledgements – that the business model is an area calling for further analysis and that the field reaches beyond the venture. Acknowledgements are further offered on the fact that business mo dels accentuate a holistic, systematic view of ventures and that the activities of the venture act as vital contributors in explaining how ventures carryout business. Lastly, business models communicate the value creation and value capture aspects of a venture. These indicators were collected from a broad-based review of literature on business models, where the evaluation was done from a multi disciplinary approach – utilizing highly developed issues lenses.2 As depicted through a critical analysis of the different literatures and comparing these with other sources on the subject of business models, it was evident that the concept of the business is used to address an array of concerns, across varied contexts and with reference to a variety of management areas. Also, scholars are known to use the same term, â€Å"business model,† to explain and solve a variety of phenomena, including value creation, business types, and value capture by establishments – as well a s how technological innovation operates, towards solving the difficulties presented by the management of business ventures. Further, the lack of consensus in defining the field may be traced to its recent emergence – where conceptual and definitional overlaps and inclusions are bound to exist – especially due to the wide nature of the concept. However, despite the lack of consensus, the importance of the concept of business models include the identification of the importance of emergent business

Coal chemical looping Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Coal chemical looping - Research Paper Example As it has been reported that the global demand for energy is likely to be fulfilled by the exploitation and utilization of fossil fuels in decades to come, the need for developing effective systems for the capture and storage of CO2 has become indispensible (Yue 2010). While, the significance of this observation is undeniable the present systems and frameworks which are utilized extensively in the industry are inadequate and do not support the advancement of certain aims and objectives that are associated with the development of suitable technologies. As noted by Yue (2010), present solutions for solving the issue are marked by the absence of cost-efficiency, capture efficiency and conversion efficiency which is an alarming scenario for both researchers and analysts alike. This observation proposes that the technology of chemical looping combustion (CLC) and its related processes have emerged as an innovation which presents numerous prospects and opportunities for the development of energy and power-related technologies by minimizing the risks, limitations and drawbacks that are associated with the solutions that are currently and presently available within the industry. Numerous studies and researches have established that the CLC technology boosts of impressive efficiency rates for the purpose of producing electricity and hydrogen in scenarios where the system of gasification is associated and integrated within the chemical looping technology (Yue 2010). Since the inception of the innovation, empirical studies have also been able to establish the types of suitable components that should be installed within an effective CLC system to maximize desired outcomes. This aspect involves the selection of solid fuels that can be used in chemical looping in addition with the oxygen carriers which have the potential to enhance the oxidation process. Even though, these observations have revealed the possibility of utilizing an extensive range of carbonaceous fuels and ca rriers, the scope of this paper focuses on the process of coal chemical looping such as the coal-direct looping process and the process of syngas chemical looping. Furthermore, the paper also explores the practical applications of chemical looping combustion in organizations such as General Electric and Alstom. In conclusion the research examines the advantages, challenges and limitations that are associated with the process of coal chemical looping in the light of recent researches and studies. The application of chemical looping combustion (CLC) processes is a revolutionary advancement and innovation in the industry, as stated by Yue (2010): Chemical-looping combustion (CLC) is a new alternative to conventional combustion that prevents the CO2 from being mixed in the combustion gases. This is accomplished by preventing the air-N2 to be present in the part of the reactor system where the oxidation of the fuel takes place. (p. 527) The introduction and subsequent incorporation of ch emical looping techniques and strategies was impelled by the absence of frameworks that could be applied for the separation and conversion of chemicals during the occurrence of various product-related procedures (Fan 2011). While, this observation is reflective of the traditional demands and needs which initially required the launch of chemical looping techniques, contemporary applications of chemical looping essentially aim to fulfill the need of establishing a modern, optimized and effective

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Monopoly Is against Public Interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Monopoly Is against Public Interest - Essay Example The rigid requirements of pure monopoly make it rare in the real world. It has a number of unfavorable features due to which whenever the government sees that monopolization may occur, they intervene to prevent it or to limit monopolist’s pricing decision. Following is the comparison of different forms of market ATTRIBUTES OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF MARKET Market Form Number of Firms in the Market Frequency in Reality Entry Barriers Public Interest Results Long Run Profit Equilibrium condition Perfect Competition Very many Rare (if any) None Good Zero MC = MR = AC = AR = P Pure Monopoly One Rare Likely to be High Outputs not optimal May be high MC = MR Monopolistic Competition Many Widespread Minor Inefficient Zero MC = MR AC= AR Oligopoly Few Produces large share of GDP Varies Varies Varies Varies Source: Baumol William J., Blinder Alan S., 2007. Microeconomics: Principles and Policy, 10th ed., OH: Cengage Learning. In this table, the attributes of pure monopoly appear to be again st public interest in comparison to other forms of market hence this idea will be discussed in further detail. Monopoly and Public Interest The reason of monopoly of a particular firm might be legal protection such as copyrights, patent or license. There could be higher barriers of entry or distinguished factors of production that are possessed by a particular firm only or economies of scale; higher volume of production make firms more efficient through cost advantage. In such cases, we may say that the firm has a natural monopoly (Braun 2003). Once a firm becomes big enough in comparison to the size of the market of the product, its cost advantage may drive other firms out of competition. In this way, it is the size of the firm relative to the total market demand for the product that creates monopoly of a particular firm. For example, a bank or a petrol pump or gas station located in a rural area may be natural monopolies due to its presence in a location where there is no competit ion (Eisenach, Lenard, Progress & Freedom Foundation (U.S.) 1999). Whether it is pure monopoly or natural monopoly the question arises, what might be the public interest? Theoretically, consumers want to get maximum benefit from their money or want to pay relatively the lowest price to get relatively highest benefit. Consumers also seek higher quality of products and consumption. They also look for a range products and manufacturers. Consumers may fail to rule the market as in monopoly they have only little or no alternatives available. Conventionally, monopoly is considered as a harmful market structure that brings unfavorable consequences to consumers and the economy at large. Competition is always encouraged in the market. The monopoly power of firms threatens the public interest. Monopolistic power is defined as the ability of a firm to earn higher profit by elevating and keeping the price of their products considerably above the levels at which those products would be offered i n competitive market. Firm with monopolistic power always enjoys market dominance irrespective of the fact that they are pricing their products really high as they have no competitors to grab their share of market. The reason that goes against public interest in monopoly is always the higher level

Anatomy and Physiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Anatomy and Physiology - Essay Example It also provides the protective outer layer of the body itself (the skin), which also serves as our first line of defense (immune system) against microbes. Connective tissue is quite self explanatory as it does just that, connects and supports tissue with other tissue. For example, our ligaments and tendons are essential in connecting bones and joints for functional movement. There is more than one type of muscle tissue. The term muscle tissue encompasses cardiac muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue and skeletal muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue makes up the heart which is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood to all of our tissue and organs. Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of actin - myosin filaments which act in a manner that can be described as lengthening and contracting. The quadriceps of the legs and biceps of the arms are examples of skeletal muscle tissue. Smooth muscle tissue is a tissue which works constantly and is involuntary. Neurons are very specific and complex cells which make up the nervous system. They are easily diagramed in 3 parts: The axon, the dendrites and the cell body. The nervous system is composed of neurons and is like the electrical system of the body. It was before mentioned that the skin is the body’s first line of defense as well as a protective outer covering. Mucous membranes are the next line of defense in safe guarding the body against microorganisms. Mucus itself serves as a sort of trap for capturing incoming pathogens and then a means of expelling them from the body. This is why we have excessive mucus and drainage during a cold or â€Å"the flu†. The body has two types of glands known as endocrine glands and exocrine glands. The difference in these two glands is that endocrine glands are ductless while exocrine glands are essentially ducts that connect to anatomical surfaces. Most of the ducts in the body are in fact exocrine.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Argument Related to Family and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argument Related to Family and Identity - Essay Example of the immediate function which start with the family we are in, that is passed to the extended family as one has to borrow much from them as we interact. The school is another institution that plays a key role in defining the identity of a person. It is at the school that one makes important decisions in life that determine his life and therefore heads one to a given social class. The interaction with other students also plays a key role in unleashing ones potential and bringing out the new identity one has to adopt. This essay will therefore look at the building of my identity and why I am the person I am today. The person I am today is the product formed after interacting with many people. I have therefore inherited or gained many aspects from various people and I cannot attribute all my characters to a single person. Starting with the biological self, I must inherit some characteristics from my parents which is also inherited from my ancestors. This defines many of my characters and perceptions on top of various biological aspects such as height, complexion, race etc. Biological identity links me to my family. This places me in a family and so I get my first identity which includes a name that links me to my family. Every child is introduced in a family set up which is his or her first source of identity. That is the reason most kids adopt the habits that they see being practiced in the place where they are. This is also important introducing a child to a certain social class. If the parents are well financially, the child will live a good life and therefore he will not have an idea of ho w people live in financial constraints. Upon being born I was therefore linked to my nuclear family and later to the extended family. This simple society has the codes they follow and the norms the do. This are the ideologies I held to first and of which some I still retain. However, as one grows up, he starts to question some of the ideologies the ancestors or the elder

TERMINAL 5 HEATHROW AIRPORT Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

TERMINAL 5 HEATHROW AIRPORT - Case Study Example that is normally associated with systems failure, human error as well as insufficient controls and procedures during business related transactions as well as the negative effects on reputation brought about by the inability to correctly implement the processing. (Loader, 2007) This risk can also be further subdivided into technology risk, operations risk, malicious risk, regulatory risk as well as reporting risk. The number of airline passengers as increasing globally at a rate of 5%. (IATA, 2008)This means that volume of baggage is also fast increasing at roughly the same rate. This will undoubtedly pose new challenges to many airline companies as well as airports. With baggage volumes and traffic ever increasing, this leads to stiffer security regulations as well as increases in cost pressures year after year. Due to these factors, baggage has become a much more critical factor before, during as well as after flights. This means that identification of baggage has to be reliable, accurate as well as economical in the long term. Several solutions and innovations have been introduced for this purpose like the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) that is in the UHF range that offers the advantage of contact less writing as well as reading of bags tags. The terminal makes use of a system that has been manufactures by the Vanderlande industries. The aviation industry ships around two billion bags annually and the costs that the industry has to pay due to mishandles bags currently stands at about U.S$ 3.7 billion per year. This however excludes the costs due to delayed flights, refunds of the passengers’ parking fees that were necessitated by baggage delayed flights. If these were factored in, the costs would increase to more than US$4 billion annually. In the list of customer complaints, baggage problems are ranked as the second most common complaint. (U.S Department of Transportation, 2006) This therefore means it has a very significant impact on customer

Monday, September 23, 2019

Evaluate and Recommend Advertising Media Options Essay

Evaluate and Recommend Advertising Media Options - Essay Example The assignment will also include advantages and disadvantages of different advertising media options. Identification of target market for the product, ideal communication media, and suggestions for marketing will also be included in the assignment. There are certain advantages and disadvantages of using different advertisement media options. Every option offers some advantages and disadvantages both. The table below will include pros and cons of using four advertisement media options like television, billboard, internet, and sponsorships. The organization under discussion is a fast moving consumer goods company that has been in the market for many years. The company has recently launched its anti germ hand washing product. The aim of the product launch is to cater to the needs of health cautious people, and therefore health safety will constitute a major theme in the marketing communication of the company. The main target market for this anti germ or anti bacterial hand wash is young children and teenagers. Parents and older people are also a major target market for the product. The target audience for this hand wash is health cautious people who want to make sure that they are germ free. This is why younger generation and middle aged men and women are the main target market. Also old people are also careful about their health and this is why they are also identified as a major target market for the product. Young women, who are mainly concerned for their skin beauty, are excluded from the target market for this product. The first advantage of using television is wider reach of the media because many people across the region watch television. The second advantage is the ease with which local audience can be targeted (Pleshette, 2012). The third advantage is attractiveness of the media. The fourth advantage is the ease with which effectiveness of the media can be measured. The fifth advantage is catering to different sets of target

No topic need Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

No topic need - Essay Example Their appealing factor to global consumers is their constant manufacture of new bands of cars. The Ford Company always finds a way to attract consumers by creating improved or modified brands of cars. The major globalization opportunity for the Ford Company is the fact that the world is open to technology at present. People are constantly seeking machines and devices that are more improvised than the last. Indeed Ford Company utilizes this opportunity to the fullest as they keep booming with new ideas. The major globalization challenges for the Ford Company are competition in major foreign markets like China and India. They face stiff competition from other motor companies in the market. Additionally, the company has been experiencing leadership problems of late. The executives apparently have a problem working together. This makes it hard to coordinate efforts in global markets. For the Ford Company’s brand to stand a better position in the global market, they must find a way to eradicate stiff competition and come out on top. This can be achieved by making their brands more attractive and desirable; they need to create an edge for their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Controversy of Government Subsidized Student Loans Research Paper

The Controversy of Government Subsidized Student Loans - Research Paper Example Besides, students must fill the application of the loans in order to determine the persons who are in need if the loan and to what amount should the loan be of benefit to them. The following article, therefore, outlines the loans that the students receive and the benefits of the loans towards the students and the state. The essay also covers the controversy that arises as a result of the loans. The controversy is because the role of the loans does not materialize since most of the students are not capable of servicing their debts. There is the need of the lenders to find other ways to make sure that the whole perspective of supporting the higher learning education is successful. The reference list is a provision at the completion of the document. The instance is in a manner to authenticate the propositions therein. Student’s loans refer to aids that are in forms of funds that are given to students to be of assistance in paying their taxes, to buy books and to help in their living. The loans are very different from other loans since they have very low interest rates. The loans exist because most students do not have the capability of taking care of the tuition fees once they enroll in a higher learning institution. However, t5he students are repayable once a student completes his or her studies. If a student does not repay, there is mostly a cost to penalize the act in an instance of discouraging the same from happening. The main argument that arises is that not all students are capable of repaying the loans since not all the students tend to acquire job opportunities. Therefore, some of the penalties that the lender of the student loans imposes may not be enough reason to do against defaulters (Houck, 2008). From another perspective, the loans that the government lends to students tend to be a huge portion of the national budget. Besides, the education system is a continuous process that becomes a yearly expense.

Current Scenario Essay Example for Free

Current Scenario Essay The only issue the company has to consider is the identification of the potential market and customers as the industry is already crowded with too many players. There are other factors which influence the expansion plans of the company which however can be mitigated with a careful planning and organizing the resources properly. With a view to assess the company’s capabilities to fight against the threats an analysis of the external factors employing an External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) was undertaken. The analysis revealed that the company possesses adequate strengths in the areas of quality customer service at competitive rates. However the company has to face a stiff competition from other players of the industry, the competitive package deals being offered by the cable companies and VoIP services being offered by software companies. The growth can also be obstructed by the governmental regulations in the US as well as the countries in which the company proposes to expand the services as well as the inadequacies of the infrastructure the company presently having. The analysis proved that despite these issues the company possesses adequate strengths to overcome these problems in the due course. Current Scenario The current scenario with respect to WDT’s past performance and other corporate policies and objectives are stated below: a. Past Corporate Performance, Sales, Profits and Markets: WDT has specialized in art of providing long distance calls at discounted rates and the products include the local telephone calls, long distance calls, internet, internet telephone and providing wireless service. The company has more than 100,000 customers presently. The company presently has offices at Niles, Illinois, Dallas, Texas, New York, Lublin and Poland. b. Mission The company’s mission statement as stated in their official website is: â€Å"World Discount Telecommunications’ mission is to satisfy communication needs of ethnic customers by striving to offer exceptional communication experience by providing services that are priced competitively, using reliable technological solutions and offering superior customer service, while creating a fun place to work and satisfaction for the stakeholders. † (WDT. com) c. Objectives The objective of the company is to expand the existing business by exploring the untapped markets both for traditional telephony service. This includes voluminous Asian markets like India and China and also the Central and South American markets which have more emerging economies presenting abundance of opportunities for business expansion. With the expertise already acquired in the area of discount telecommunicating options, the company strives to get exposure in these different geographical locations. Provision of VoIP facilities in the already established ethnic segments like East European Countries and Russia is considered as another important objective. d. Strategies Strategically instead of competing larger players in the domestic market on the VoIP segment where the competition is stiff and too many players are present, the company would opt for only the following strategic measures to achieve significant growth within a shorter period. A. Expansion of the traditional services to potential markets in the emerging economies of Asia and Central/South America and B. Expansion of VoIP services to already familiar ethnic markets and customers in East European countries and Russia. Policies The business policies of WDT are aligned to the mission and objectives. The major policy of the company is to provide superior customer service catering to ethnic customer groups. The company was formulating its business policies based on this broad policy and expanding to various ethnic markets by providing quality telecommunication services at affordable prices. With the rollout of VoIP WDT intends to extend the service to the Russian customers whom they are already serving with traditional telephone services.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

“Endgame” by Samuel Beckett Essay Example for Free

â€Å"Endgame† by Samuel Beckett Essay â€Å"Finished, it’s finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly, theres a heap, a little heap, the impossible heap†. (p. 3) Here the endgame starts. In chess the endgame is defined as the stage of the game when only few pieces are left on the board. The same is with the Beckett’s play as there are only four people left. The endgame is a series of moves when the game is near the ending and its outcome is decided before the ceremony of the endgame occurs. Samuel Beckett is known to be a chess player and in the play the author compares the endgame with the end of life – death as death is inevitable as the game always ends. We see that in the play the main characters are enacting repetitive rituals labeled as the part of their endgame. Despite inevitable outcome the main characters are dragging through the final moves making their routines and they are doing whatever it takes to get through the day and to see the next day. The characters try to get through despite their game is lost. The idea of chess game is put in accordance with movements on the stage. The most vulnerable piece on the board is Hamm who utters: â€Å"Me to play†. (p. 18) Hamm is perceived as the King and he seems to be the most powerful. Clov is protective character in the centre of the board and Hamm often relies on him. Therefore, Clov is presented as the Queen and he is able to move easily. However, his erratic way of movement seems to be more suitable to the movement of the Knight. Nell and Nagg are insignificant characters and they are viewed as the Pawns – they appear only when the King calls for them. One by one the main characters are dying and one by one the chess figures are leaving the board. Nothing is eternal in the world and every game has its ending. The theme of chess play shows cyclical Universe – ‘the play ends with a stalemate’. The game will be played over and over again. Works Cited Adorno, Theodor W. Trying to Understand Endgame [1961], The New German Critique, no. 26, (Spring-Summer 1982) pp. 119-150. In The Adorno Reader ed. Brian OConnor. Blackwell Publishers. 2000. Beckett, Samuel. Endgame and the Act Without Words. USA: Groove Press, 1994.

Person Centred Care for Dementia Patients

Person Centred Care for Dementia Patients Ingrid Joy Moreno Castaneda Abstract This paper presents the different aspects of person-centred approach in the promotion of health to the elderly with dementia and other geriatric health conditions. The principles of individuality, rights, choice, privacy, independence, dignity, respect and autonomy are discussed. Impacts of equality, culture and diversity in the provision of person-centred approach are also presented within the scope of public health, health promotion, attitudes toward health and the demand for healthcare. The non-person-centred approach namely institution perspective and bio-medical perspective are also reviewed. By gathering information through the internet, other approaches to the provision of healthcare to the elderly are also discussed and presented so as to give us a better view of the different approaches that facilities might be using and help us understand the structure of care available. Introduction We are all unique in every way, although we may come from one cultural background and even from the same family, we possess our own set of traits that make up our identity. Similar yet different in many ways. Regardless where life takes us, I believe that each and every one of us has the right to be respected and as we grow older, we continue to live life with dignity. Health providers are continuously looking for ways to make the provision of health be of quality. With dementia and elderly care, a number of approaches are being practices in order to make their services suit to the needs of the clients trying to put into account the complexity of each person. The Task Person-centred approach puts the elderly with dementia the centre of care. It is a holistic approach where the elderly works in partnership with the care giver and the family in maintaining, promoting, and enhancing a quality of life for the elderly with dementia. Question 1 Person-Centred Approach is the manner of care that focuses on the person as a whole and as an individual. Its care recognizes the uniqueness of the person, his personality and personal identity which all contributes to the person’s identity. It supports the person with dementia in all aspect of his or her needs and not just on the physical aspect of care. There are a number of principles that are inter-related with each other in this approach. One principle co-exists with the other and the absence of one will make it difficult for this approach to be a success. This approach allows personal growth of the elderly towards self-actualization leading to proper coping with the changes that comes with old age. Individuality is what sets a person apart from others. It is that set of qualities or characters that distinguishes a person’s uniqueness. This is an approach that focuses on dealing with the person’s subjective view of life. Basing care from the elderly’s achievements, abilities and desires at the same time treating them with respect and dignity as a person. A right is what is due to the person. The approach focuses on the elderly’s right to make his own choices on how to live life. It also supports the person to make his own decisions regarding his care and even allowing him the right to experience â€Å"bad decisions.† Choice. In person-centred approached the elderly is empowered to make informed choices on how to deal with things and on what they want to do and face the consequences after each decision. Privacy is of great importance in this approach. Confidentiality is kept at all times. The elderly’s principles and views of something are not to be discussed with others without the consent of the person involved. This also includes the person’s personal date even past experiences. This is also the reason why when rendering care to residents the doors of the room are kept closed to provide privacy for the client. Independence is having the capability to do things on your own. In this approach it supports the person to be on his own and in order to allow this, the care provider safeguards the environment and puts out assistive devices like handrails to allow movement with a level of independence. And if capable the elderly is allowed to go out of the facility provided with proper identification. Dignity is being worthy of respect. In here the person with dementia is viewed beyond the disease and his views and principles are honoured. This approach allows the elderly to live according to his moral principles. Respect in person-centred approach gives high regard for the elderly putting into consideration the person’s achievements, abilities and qualities. The elderly is allowed to uphold his own beliefs and values without being judged. Autonomy is letting the elderly in full control of his care. This principle is possible in a healthcare facility when the elderly is given the right information about his diagnosis and give them the chance to understand fully their health condition in order for them to make informed decisions about their care. Question 2 Institution perspective focuses on the set of rules and guidelines by the institution. In here the care providers patterns their plans of care abiding to the set of rules of the facility or institution. Like for instances when the client is still capable of going out, he will not be allowed to do so if it is not allowed in the facility promoting safety for the client. Also in cases when the rule is for residents to have their meals in the dining area, then all clients will have to be there during mealtime and will not have the option to have it in a tray in their room not unless if they are not well enough to do so but their nutritional needs are met by a prepared well balanced meal. Institution perspective puts the laws and rules of the institution and its adherence to it as top priority rather than the desires and needs of the clients but still addressing the health, social, emotional and physical well-being of the elderly. Bio-medical perspective deals with the medical aspect of dementia. It starts with setting the medical diagnosis of the disease basing it from the signs and symptoms manifested by the client. Signs and symptoms of dementia vary from one person to another but in order to diagnose it as dementia, it must have at least two impairments from the core elements namely: memory, communication and language, ability to focus, reasoning and judgment and visual perception. This perspective emphasizes that the disease is progressive in nature with minimal hope for the future and intervention is focused of drug treatment. Question 3 Reality-Orientation Approach is presenting information to the person with dementia, re-orienting the person with the date, time, his or her current location and the person and the situation to bring him back to reality. For those with dementia, there is a need for constant re orientation and reminder of the now. It is important to ask them if they know where they are, and tell time the date, the day, time of the day and even sharing information about what is happening in the society to keep them up to date to issues. Care providers can all build a conversation by asking the elderly about his family, their whereabouts, and how they are, this can also be a way to assess the extent of memory loss of the elderly and provide updated information should there be a need. Pictures, clocks, calendars and reading materials can also be used to help the client be oriented of important things and be a clear indication of ‘today.’ Validation approach is acknowledging what the elderly with Alzheimer’s disease is experiencing. Usually this approach is used with people in the late stage of Alzheimer’s. In most cases, when an elderly is on the late stage of the disease they manifest certain gestures or behaviour that may seem abnormal and incomprehensible. These mannerisms are indications of what the elderly is trying to convey. Unlike the reality-orientation approach where there is the reorientation of facts, here the thoughts of the elderly are accepted as it is no matter how bizarre it may be, it is seen as a reality either one belonging in the present or in the past. The care provider empathizes with the elderly by putting oneself in the shoes of the elderly and seeing things with the eyes of the client, at her or his level and stand point. The approach does not deny nor judge the thoughts of the elderly no matter how abnormal it is thus, reducing the elderly’s stress, enhancing dignity, p romoting happiness for the elderly and understanding the meaning of the behaviour for the elderly. When the care giver steps into the shoe of the elderly they may get to understand that this abnormal behaviour may be a manifestation of the elderly’s unfinished issues and somehow can help in resolving these issues. Since the elderly’s thoughts are not denied and rejected by the care giver, he or she is able to build trust thus encouraging good communication. Assistive technologies are devices or gadgets that are products of technology that are beneficial to the elderly with dementia. These are gadgets that can be used to make the elderly’s life easier and near to normal as can be and live a life with dignity. To name a few of these devices, we have the hearing aids to help those who are experiencing hearing loss to help them in proper oral communication. Even items which have censor like faucets and lamps make it easy for the elderly to use these items. Digital clocks are even of great help for them to tell the time. Radio and television sets make it easy for them to know the currents events through the news. In some instances the elderly can also be track using tracking devices to know their whereabouts should they be out of the vicinity. Phones are also a product of technology which allows constant communication of the elderly with the family no matter the time and distance. There is also what it called telecare, which are gadge ts that help the care provide in rendering care, like hoist to help in mechanically moving the elderly. There are also gadgets like digital thermometer and blood pressure to make vital signs monitoring easier and convenient. Holistic Approach focuses on four aspect of care for the elderly, the environment, the communication between the recipient of care and the provider, nutrition and the activity of the client. The care provider should make the environment or living space of the elderly free of clutter and with safety features like hand rails so as to allow maximum movement for the client with less anxiety. The environment should also be free of unnecessary noise for sometimes this can make the elderly agitated. The care provider should also nurture a good verbal and non-verbal communication with the elderly. If the elderly is not a native of the country and has limited vocabulary then it is just necessary that someone should stand as an interpreter so as for interactive communication to take place. In cases when the elderly cannot talk but can read and comprehend, then care provider can make use of visual materials for communication like pen and paper. The health of the client is also given importance by establishing a nutritional plan starting with the assessment of the nutritional demands of the client and then structuring the diet of the client according to his or her nutritional needs. The care provider should also organize a series of activities for the client may it be physical or mental in nature. Activity like show and tell is an opportunity for the client to show something and express his or her thoughts about it. Then there are also board games or memory games that will help the client put their thinking capabilities to use. There also a number of activities that require a little physical movement like pin bowling which can also be a source of exercise for the client. Alternative therapy: Music and Art Therapies. Music therapy makes use of music to set the mood of the client and to connect emotions and feelings between the client and care provider. Mellow tunes can help soothe the emotion of the client and music of different eras can also evoke feelings from the client by reminiscing past life experiences. Here the client may also be given the option to choose the kind of music he or she wants to listen to. Clapping and dancing are also encouraged to add in the enjoyment. Art therapies should be that which are not too childish to avoid demeaning the clients. Care givers can assist the clients to start their art work and then they can put their feelings and thoughts into the art activity then they are encouraged and asked to tell the stories behind their work. The activity should give clients the ample time to do their art work putting into consideration capabilities of the elderly and that they don’t have to finish everything in one sitting to prevent putting stress and anxiety on the clients. Question 4 Public Health and Health Promotion Public health focuses on the promotion of health and the enhancement of life by taking measures and interventions that will prevent and treat dementia and other geriatric health conditions. This is a combined effort by the private and government health sectors, communities and individuals. In New Zealand, the ministry of health allots a budget for the health promotion of the aging citizens. This benefit is for all New Zealand citizens regardless of culture. The health care providers stand by the principle of equality in rendering care. They give the same kind of care to their clients treating them all as equals. In the provision of person-centred approach to individuals with dementia within public health and health promotion, there might be an issue with regards to cultural diversity. Yes, there is equality in the sense that every citizen of the country is given the right to have access to this health benefits regardless of cultural background and with this in mind, it is safe to say that these services are assumed to be what the general population needs not putting into account that this is a country with a diversity of culture. Attitudes to health and demand for healthcare The attitude we have towards health greatly varies on the cultural background that one has. And thus how we value health will also relate to the demand for healthcare. How we live out life during the younger years will result to the health condition that one will have in the aging years. The family and the cultural preferences play a great role in the choices of food that we eat even in people with dementia or other geriatric health conditions. According to the Ministry of Health (2003), a significant issue for Pacific households here in New Zealand is the affordability of food. They are most likely to report that they sometimes run out of food due to financial strains compared to the Maori and the Europeans. This would only mean that the elderly will not have the sufficient amount of nutrients in their day to day diet. Question 5 The different health sector standards and codes of practice basically set the guideline for the person-centred approach in the sense that it covers the entirety of the approach. As what these codes of practice states, every person has the right to be treated with respect. Just like the approach it has it emphasis on the person as an individual who has every right to respect. These codes practice also recognizes the individuality and uniqueness of every one and states that one should not be discriminated for his age, cultural background, religious and political opinion, etc. Just like that in the person-centred approach towards people with dementia and with other geriatric health conditions they should be from discrimination. Privacy and safety are of great importance also as stipulated in the various codes of practice and in the person-centred approach. Although with dementia or other geriatric health conditions, the elderly should viewed as an individual pass his or her health condi tion that comes with age. Recommendation: I highly recommend that for facilities who offer services to the elderly with dementia and with other geriatric health conditions they must try to group their elderly accordingly, those with similar principles, personal backgrounds and traits, in this manner they can somehow establish the necessary routines and activities that would suit the group’s personalities. Even with the distribution of food, they can group this in a way that would give them the right nourishment at the same time giving the clients the opportunity to eat the kind of food that they have grown with for this too is a part of their identity. When healthcare providers try to give a personal level in the provision of their services it somehow shows that they acknowledge the individuality and uniqueness of their clients. In the provision of health services, I suggest that services should be pattern to the character of the said community, in this way, the needs of the members will be provided with their healthcare needs accordingly. I also suggest that there should be teams who will visit the communities on a regular basis to continuously assess the health needs of the society and make ways to give the people easy access to their services. Conclusion: In conclusion, there are a number of approaches that can be used in the provision of healthcare services. These approaches cannot be a success without the dedication of the healthcare providers. There are many aspects to consider when deciding on the kind of approach to practice with people with dementia and other geriatric health conditions but we must not forget that although old and frail they are still individuals with a respective identity who are worth of our respect and should be given the due right to live their remaining days with dignity. Bibliography Mcleod, Saul (2008). Simply Psychology. Person-Centred Therapy. Retrieved from Career Force. 2 Person Centred Care. Retrieved from Department of Health. Victorian State Government. Australia (2014). Minimising Functional Decline of Older People in Hospital. Best Care for Older People Everywhere. Retrieved from MemoryMatters. Reality Orientation. Retrieved from Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes, symptoms, treatment (2011). Validation Approach to Alzheimer’s Patients. Retrieved from Dementia Services Development Center. An Educational Resource to Support Early Interventions for People Receiving a Diagnosis of Dementia. Retrieved from The Ministry of Health (2014). Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act. Retrieved from WORKSAFE NEW ZEALAND (2013). Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 (HSE Act). Retrieved from Citizens Advice Bureau (2012). Discrimination and Human Rights. Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

Postscript Adobe Product

Postscript Adobe Product Adobes first product, Postscript ®, was a driving force behind the desktop publishing revolution of the mid 1980s. Postscript provided an interface between computer program and an output device such as a printer. It comprised of three parts; a page description language which was open, documented and free, an interpreter which was licensed to output device manufacturers, and fonts which were sold to end customers such as graphic artists. The first postscript products were introduced in 1985 through a strategic alliance among four firms: Adobe, Apple, Aldus, and Linotype. The combination of products from these firms sparked the desktop users could create news letters and other documents that had a professional look and feel: documents could integrate graphics and text using professional quality fonts. The result was accomplished through a system of products. Aldus PageMaker software, which ran on Apple Macintosh, enabled the creation of documents that integrated text and graphics, PageMaker required a postscript device for printing. The Apple Laser writer was the first postscript printer and incorporated a postscript interpreter licensed from Adobe. Finally, professional looking documents only required high quality fonts such as Times Roman or Palatino, which typically were only available to professional publishers. Linotype, a firm with over 100 years of experiences in the typesetter industry, licensed a set of its most popular fonts to Adobe so that Adobe could offer them in postscript format. The Laser Writer came with 35 postscript fonts build in Linotype also introduced a high-end postscript image setter so that PageMaker documents could be used in professional publishing. By 1989, postscript had become the defacto standard for printing in the graphic arts and publishing industries. A most 100% of high-end image setters on the market incorporated postscript, while penetration in the general laser printer market reached only about 25%, penetration of Postscript in laser printers used by graphic artists was closer to 100%. Adobe also leveraged the underlying graphics technology of postscripts in applications software for the graphic arts community. The first end-user application, Adobe illustrator, was introduced in March 1987 and gained wide acceptance among graphic artists. Illustrator created output Postscript output and helped to create demand for Postscript printers. Adobe also acquired a number of software products including Photostop for digital image editing in 1989, and Aldus PageMaker in 1993. These products were extremely successful, with Photostop capturing over 90% of the market for photo-editing software. Ownership and leveraging of the Postscript standard had reaped huge rewards for Adobe; between 1984 and 1995, revenue had grown from $2.2 million to $762 million- a compound annual growth; rate of 70%. Adobes share price growth had been equally impressive, increasing at an average rate of29% between 1986, when the firm went public and 1995. In order to create PDF documents users had to purchase either Acrobat  ® Exchange for $195, or a more sophisticated product, Acrobat  ® Distiller for $695. As with the Postscript standard, the specification for PDF was open. By using documentation from Adobe, other firms could create files PDF format. Sales of Acrobat however were originally quite disappointing and reached only about $25 million in 1993. Given the advent of the internet, Adobe modified its Acrobat strategy. Instead of focusing exclusively on document exchange among workers within a corporation, Adobe also targeted internet users. The goal I was to make PDF the de facto standard for posting and exchanging documents on the internet. Question 2. In order to encourage software developers to use the Postscript language, Adobe made it open to anyone for free. The language was meticulously documented in what programmers fondly called â€Å"The Red Book†, and strong technical support was provided to third party developers working with the language. As a result, the number of applications supporting Postscript increased from 180 in 1986 to over 5,000 by 1991. To accelerate the diffusion of Postscript output devices, Adobe developed a boilerplate controller design based on the Motorola G8000 chip. Printer manufacturers interested in licensing Postscript had free access to this design, thus accelerating the development time for Postscript products. In addition, Adobe engineers often worked on joint product development teams with customers in order to help with the design of customized Postscript interpreters. The number of Postscript licenses increased from just one, Apple in 1985 to 60 by 1994. Adobe invested a large amount in creasing its own library of Postscript fonts. In 1986, Adobe invested 16% of sales in font development, and dollar investment continued to increase from 1985 through 1992. The number of Postscript fonts in the Adobe collection increased from 35 in 1985 to 2000 in 1994. These fonts were valued most highly by graphic artists designing pages for professional publishing. Adobe encouraged adoption of the Acrobat Reader by changing its previous policy of charging $50. The Acrobat Reader became widely available for free. In 1994, an alliance was made with AOL made the Acrobat Reader available to all AOL users. Adobe also established relationships with a number of computer vendors such as Compaq, Dell, and Sony to preload the Acrobat Reader on Personal Computers they sold. In 1995 free downloads of the Acrobat Reader were made available from the Adobe website. When users visited a site with PDF content they were instructed to click on a link to to get the free Acrobat Reader. Downloads of the Acrobat Readers explored starting in 1997, and by July 2000 over 197 million Acrobat Readers had been downloaded, with ongoing downloads of about 6 million more each month. Traffic to the Adobe site was also significant with about 11 million unique visitors a month. Downloads also drove sales of the full Acrobat product, needed for PDF creation. Adobe mark et research indicated that 88% of full Acrobat purchasers had used the Acrobat Reader prior to buying the full product. Question 3. Standard wars and battles for dominance in the market between incompatible technologies are products of the information age. Adobe announced it would release the entire PDF specification (current version 1.7) to the International Standards Organization. PDF has reached a point in its maturity cycle where maintaining it in an open standards manner is the next logical step in evolution. Not only does this reinforce Adobes commitment to open standards, but it demonstrates that open standards and open source strategies are really becoming a mainstream concept in the software industry. PDF will go from being an open standard/specification and de facto standard to a full blown dejure standard. ( Adobe has found that with Postscript and PDF, publishing the specifications, making them open but not open standards is the right path. This is because once something becomes a standard driven by a standards body, it moves to a glacial place Ad innovation slows down significantly because everybody has to agree and compromise. If it is made a totally open source, they do not get a return on investment. They believe that by opening up the specification, they allow other people to take advantage of it. However, they still own the source and get to innovate around that standard more quickly. ( Uncertainty about the market of e-Books hinged on a number of factors. One of the major impediments to adoption of E-Books was on-screen readability. Anti-aliasing technology had been developed by both Adobe (Cool Type) and Microsoft (Clear Type), improving text resolution by up to 300% e-Book resolution, however, was still not close to matching the quality of paper. So far the place of e-Books was similar or higher than that of print books, constraining demand. In addition, dedicated e-Books reading devices had been relatively expensive, costing a minimum of $250. Finally, the selection of e-Books was still quite limited and e-Books formatted for one device could generally not be used on another. Depending upon their assumptions about pricing and standards, analysts had different perspectives on the potential of the market. After the well publicised battle between VHS and Beta formats in the VCR industry, both produces and consumers were wary of standards war. No consumer wanted to be stuck with the equivalent of Betamax CVR, an orphan product with no tapes to play on it. Likewise, producers did not to be on the losing end of a standards war. It was unclear how standards in the e-Book market would evolve. While Microsoft had changed head on into the consumer it is wondered whether Adobe should instead focus elsewhere. Other segments, such as professional and technical users, while similar than the general consumer market, seemed to place more value on what e-Books had to offer and were leading in their adoption. In addition, Adobes superior graphics capability was more highly valued by the professional market. Adobe can win the standards war by creating alliances with other software companies. A good company is Google. Relative market caps show Adobe at $24 billion, Google at $148 billion and Microsoft at $296 billion. Google needs something like Adobe and Microsoft does not have the same perspective. This could be a strategic relationship to help Adobe win formats/standards war against Microsoft. Adobe may already own the market for electronic documents thanks to PDF, but the company knows that Microsoft has a habit of showing up late to a party and stealing the crown. In turn Adobe is beta testing a new project it calls â€Å"mars† which is an answer to Microsofts new XPS format. ( Negotiations over standardization and interconnection and standardization are critical once a network has been launched Adobe can explore seven key assets that show its ability to successfully wage a standards war. These are; intellectual property rights, control over an installed base of users, ability to innovate, manufacturing abilities, first mover advantages, strength in complements and brand name reputation. The standard wars are especially bitter and crucial to business success in markets with string network effects that cause consumers to play high value on compatibility. ( Pre-emption is one of the two crucial market place tactics that Adobe can use in its standards battle. The logic of pre-emption is straight forward: build an early lead so positive feedback works for you and against your rival. The same principle implies in markets with learning by doing: the first firm to gain significant experience will have lower costs and can pull even further ahead. (Shapiro, Varian 1999) Expectations management is the second by tactic in standard wars. Expectations are a major factor in consumer decisions about whether or not to purchase a new technology. Just as incumbents will vary to knock down the viability of new technologies that emerge, so will those very entrants strive to establish credibility. (Shapiro, Varian 1999) Reference: Carlo Shapiro, Hal R. Varian. Information Rules. A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy. Retrieved from on 5th March 2008 Carlo Shapiro, Hal R. Varian. The Arts of Standard Wars, California Management Review, Vol.41, No.2 1999.

Analysis of Stock Market and the Bullion Market

Analysis of Stock Market and the Bullion Market This project reexamines the comparative relationship between stock prices and bullion market in India i.e. gold spot prices for 2006-07 to 2009-10. The study looks after the variation of stock market and gold market in India. The future of the gold and gold price movements are determined by the perception of gold as a `store of value rather than its fundamentals as a commodity. The precious metals value is also determined by such factors as inflation, interest rates and the presence of lucrative alternative investment avenues in the economy. The comparative relationship tested between the BSE index and spot gold prices of bullion market of India. Gold price is included in the model as an additional variable, to examine whether gold price contain any additional significant information about price movements. Since gold is an important saving instrument in India and is very often used as a hedge against inflation, it is expected that gold may be looked upon as alternative asset for thos e holding idle money and for speculative purposes. Conceptual definition/key words sensex Bullion Spot gold Introduction to the study This study is an attempt made to find the comparative analysis of the stock market and the bullion market. This study will also indicate the potential of the two asset classes and the scope for investing in India. Stock market A  stock market, or equity market, is a private or public  market  for the trading of company  stock  and  derivatives  at an agreed price; these are  securities  listed on a  stock exchange  as well as those only traded privately. The size of the world stock market is estimated at about $36.6 trillion US at the beginning of October 2008. The  total  world derivatives market has been estimated at about $791 trillion face or nominal value,  11 times the size of the entire world economy.   The stocks are listed and traded on stock exchanges which are entities a corporation or mutual organization specialized in the business of bringing buyers and sellers of the organizations to a listing of stocks and securities together. The  stock market  is one of the most important sources for  companies  to raise  money. This allows businesses to be publicly traded, or raise additional capital for expansion by selling shares of ownership of the company in a public market. The  liquidity  that an exchange provides affords investors the ability to quickly and easily sell securities. This is an attractive feature of investing in stocks, compared to other less liquid investments such as  real estate. Gold market In the last 6,000 years a little over 125,000 tones of gold has been mined. But this history is clearly divided into two eras before and after the California gold rush of 1848. Some calculations suggest that up until then scarcely 10,000 tones of gold had been excavated since the beginning of time. Thus more than 90% of the worlds gold has been produced since 1848. The story of gold is as rich and complex as the metal itself Wars have been fought for it; love has been declared with it. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs portray gold as the brilliance of the sun; modern astronomers use mirrors coated with gold to capture images of the heavens.By 325 BC the Greeks had mined for gold from Gibraltar to Asia Minor. In 1848 AD John Marshall found flakes of gold whilst building a sawmill near Sacramento and so triggered the gold rush in California.Held securely in national vaults as a reserve asset, gold has an irrefutable logic; released from the tombs of pharaohs and emperors alike, gold has an undeniable magic. In  Heritage  we describe just some of the key moments from golds history. Further sections take time to discuss important fundamental issues such as the relationship of  demand and supply, golds  price history; the  golden constant  and golds contribution to society. Review of Literature: The Sensex and the gold prices for a four year period constituted the database. In a recent study conducted by Steve Saville on Gold and the Stock Market during recession this study examines the gold and stock markets in the world markets for the periods of recession. The study brought out the performance of the two asset classes during recession for the last 10 recessions. The comparison on the gold and stock market awaits the Indian context based on this the researcher set to examine the same. Research Gap: The Literature review clearly indicates that the studies are carried out in abroad and not much in INDIA regarding the selected topic. Though some of the data is available it is all relating to the last year data and no study is made up to date, comparing both bullion and sensex. Research Issues: To know the variation, volatility, risk and return on BSE Sensex Indices in Comparison with Gold Spot Rates in Mumbai. To analyze the performance of BSE Sensex Indices in Comparison with Gold Spot Rates in India between 2006-07 and 2009-10. To provide information about effect of investing Equity and Gold. Objective of the study Relationship between the stock market and the bullion market. To study the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Gold bullion market. To analyze the stock market and the bullion market in the Indian context. To study the interrelationship among the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Gold bullion market. To formulate strategies for investors to invest in based on trends. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: Comparative relationship between stock prices and bullion market in India i.e. gold spot prices for 2006-07 to 2009-10. Comparative returns on investment in Equity and Gold. Variations in Sensex and Gold Spot rates by Monthly wise, Quarterly wise and Year Wise of Indices of BSE, Mumbai and Spot Gold Rates of Bullion Market, Mumbai with Charts and Graphs. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The stocks have risk, which comprises of either unique risk also called as diversifiable risk or unsystematic risk and market risk also called non-diversifiable risk or systematic risk. There are few problems, which reveal the necessary to analyze the variation of the equity shares indices and gold spot rates. We can neither predict the risk involved nor the future performance of the stock. Many equities have not performed well due to which investor has incurred losses. Presently study tries to find out the variation, volatility, risk and return on BSE Sensex Indices in Comparison with Gold Spot Rates in Mumbai has been undertaken. METHOD OF RESEARCH DESIGN TO BE USED UNDER THE STUDY: Descriptive Research: In this research an attempt has been made to analyze the past performance of BSE Sensex and Gold Spot Rates of Mumbai that are considered to be leading indicators of the Stock market and Bullion market. The study is to be done to know the variation, volatility of these markets for the past 4 years. The collection of average values of the BSE Sensex indices and Gold spot rates of Mumbai, on a monthly basis for comparison. METHODOLOGY OF DATA COLLECTION: Sampling Type: A Sample is a small representation of lot of population selected at random. The random of drawing a sample form from a large population is called sampling. Sampling data in this study comprised of BSE Sensex Indices and Gold Spot Rates in Mumbai for the period of 2006-07 to 2009-10. Each with monthly average values was taken for the study. SOURCES OF DATA: Primary data:Are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happens to be original in character observation and personnel discussion with Internal Guide and External Guide. Secondary Sources of data: The sources of data were only the secondary source as the comparison is done keeping BSE Sensex Indices and Gold Spot Rates. Thus the project did not require any first hand information in the form of primary source. The data were collected through the sources like the for getting the share prices and spot prices of past 4 years. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The study is restricted to BSE Sensex Indices of Stock Market and Gold Spot rates in Mumbai Bullion Market. The time period for the project was limited and information provided is limited to Internet and Journals. It focuses on every month Average Values during the period from 2006-07 to 2009-10. The above Chart shows that: Totally BSE Sensex has shown upward trend up to Quarter-3 of 2007-08 and there is continuous decreasing trend upto Quarter-4 of 2008-09 due to the Worldwide recession and Economic Slow down in India. Then from Quarter-1, there is great recovery of +92.36% in 2009-10. Totally Gold Becomes costlier by every Quarter gradually and constantly. By Comparison in 2009-10 BSE Sensex has +83.36% more return on investment than Gold. But this increase by BSE Sensex is the recovery of the previous years economic slow down in India and Worldwide recession. Findings: The comparison of the Sensex and the Gold prices for the period of four years from January 2006 to the 31st December 2010 it can be seen that the prices of gold and the Sensex do not follow a same pattern, this is very important to investors as this is indication of two classes of investments that are negatively correlated and investing in both reduces the risk of loss. This is possible through diversification where investing in two different asset classes. From the graph it can be seen that the Sensex rallied from May 2006 from the 9000 level leaving the Gold behind, this continued till January 2008 where the Sensex reached its all time high of 21000. The price of Gold however was in the price range of 9000 to 10000 from July 2006 to December 2007. It is evident that when the stock market started crashing that the Gold prices started soaring and was on a constant upward trend. In the month of September 2008 the prices of the Sensex and Gold went in opposite direction, this is a clea r indication that the two are oppositely correlated. The above graph can be divided into three parts. The first can be year 2006 where the price of Gold and the Sensex moved in the same upward direction till mid May of 2006 where there was a resistance for both the investments and the price came down to the April 2006 mark, then there was a support where the month of June saw the price of Gold and the Sensex at the same level. From August 2006 the price of the Sensex rallied faster then that of Gold to touching a new high of 15000 on the Sensex. The second part of the research period saw the price of the Sensex still rallying in the year of 2007 the same as the end of 2006. The price of Gold continued to rise but on a constant basis and with a gradual increase. The price of the Sensex during the month of September rose on a constant basis to touch a new high of 20500 in the month of December. The next part of the research period 2008 saw the Sensex crash but the price of Gold was not affected with the crash. Wile the Sensex continued t o decline the price of Gold touched a new high in the month of October 2008 of 13000 rupees for every 10 grams. The last part of the research shows that First and second quarter the BSE sensex is seen a bigger growth with 40%and 20% where as at third quarters we can notice gold change is drastic with 10.06% and the last quarter ie up to December 2010 with negligible difference between the two investments. CONCLUSION In this project the researcher set to analyze the comparison between the stock market and the gold market. From the results and analysis that have been conducted, it can be concluded that gold in-deed is a better investment as compared to stock (during the research period) and is a good asset to include in a portfolio for diversification. The combination of the Sensex stock and Gold in a portfolio is also a good investment strategy as these asset classes are both negatively correlated, and this low correlation improves the stability of the portfolio. In the analysis the researcher compared gold to sensex to see the performance of which asset class was good. The results of this comparison showed gold to be a good investment, with an overall higher return. The Sensex is an index composed of 30 multinational companies, thus it has a high market risk. Gold on the other hand is not an index, it is a valuable metal; it therefore has a high unique risk. In the long run, if money was placed in gold and Sensex (2006-2008), it has evidently been seen that the allocation should be around 50% in gold and 50% in the Sensex to obtain an Optimal Portfolio. Thus in the long run, gold has proven to be an efficient investment when combined with the Sensex. With golds past performance in mind, the researcher would recommend an investor today to hold gold in his/her investment portfolio. This is because of the uncertain environment of today, and due to the high return for gold. The optimal amount to invest in gold could however be questioned. For an investor with a long time horizon, a high amount of gold could be more easily defended than for a short term investor. In the long run, spotted short term deviations have tended to smooth out, to an optimal allocation around 50% in gold. Even though it may be hard to predict, the researcher would still urge investors to own a portion of gold in his/her portfolio today, due to the high return to risk characteristics of gold. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the findings the researcher would give the following recommendations to investors. An investor should invest in Gold and the Sensex to get maximum returns as both the asset classes are negatively correlated and a good combination for diversification. A 50-50% can be invested in both the asset classes as the loss in one will be compensated in the other which will balance the portfolio, as compared to investing in one and facing huge losses or profits which are not always known. Gold has a tendency to rise in India based on demand seasonally, this is particularly true in the season of marriages, and the researcher would recommend investors to buy Gold in times when there is less demand and sell at the times where demand increases. Stock market is very unpredictable and a company can loose its standing in the economy for the smallest of mistakes or problems faced, but Gold on the other hand will never loose its value and this has been evident for thousands of years and it is even today used as a precious metal. An investor should not invest in Gold for short term but for a long term, as gold in the short term dose not return the same as that of the stock market. If an investor believes in buy low, sell high, gold is still low, but climbing and its never too late to invest in gold.